Memories of the game are better than the actual game.

Finished with the game. Never got all the unlockables as one playthrough was enough, but damn was it fantastic. Incredible game, incredible story. My second favourite of the series after MGS5.

This game is TURBO shit. You can't see where the fuck you're going because of the FUNNY jpeg environments. I'm sure the story is good but the game is nigh unplayable because of the fact you don't know wtf you're doing and the save points are cringe. Aged like milk.

Fairly certain I beat it as a really young kid but don't remember it well.

In my early adolescence I revisited this on the Mega Collection for PS2 but just stopped playing it. Not really amazing or worth finishing.

My friends keep wanting me to play it but I don't get the hype.

I spend most of the time tabbed out between turns.

Not sure if I ever actually owned it but definitely have played. First game is superior.

Fantastic game especially as a kid. Loved making my own levels. Campaign was decent too.

I can scarcely believe this is happening, this whole operation is gonna fall apart, i'm gonna fall in the water.

Somehow takes Leagues trash infuriating gameplay and adds on even more frustrating mechanics to make you cry. Not worth.