2 Years after the finale of the MSQ, I still haven't done the post MSQ, but I did finish up pandaemonium. Why this story was not part of the MSQ I do not know because it wrapped up the story so well. Truly beautiful. Whilst the fights left something to be desired, the ending cutscene sequence was magnificent. I did not cry, but I felt a warm sensation that was akin to the finale of Persona 3 Reload. Literally took this game from a 7 to a 9 for me.

Finally, a closing note for this wonderful expansion and the story it finished off that makes me forget about Thancred white screen attack up.

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Omega peak gaming. Takes an already fantastic, unforgettable game and cream fills it with polish.

The original release of Persona 5 suffered from just above average translation, which Royal swoops in and fixes. Even small details, like having things pointed out like Ryuji having dyed his hair, additional context in the dialogue for other story moments, etc.

Jokers canonic love interest - Kasumi / Sumire - is an amazing addition to the cast, one of the best in the game. Akechi's social link shows just how stupid it was to not have one there all along, just like Adachi's did. His section where hes playable with his edgy outfit is mega fan service peak, and he really does add alot.

New hangouts, group photos throughout the game that really make the cast feel like a real friend group.

Dr Maruki is the GOAT and I would let him rewrite reality for everyone - but I cant because his final bossfight is one of the best in history. It tops the final fight of P3Reload for sure.

Overall, If you think Sumire x Joker isnt canon you may not have actually played the game.

Elden Ring, in its majestic sprawl across the Lands Between, dazzles with the promise of epic quests and boundless exploration. Yet, beneath its gleaming armor, it harbors a silence as profound as the Erdtree's roots on matters of true inclusivity.

The Lands Between, rich in lore and beauty, starkly lacks the vibrant spectrum of human identity. The game's scant representation of transgender characters and its binary approach to body types feels not just outdated but out of touch with the thriving diversity of its player base.

Amidst its triumphs in build diversity and combat innovation, it stumbles on character pronouns and deeper expressions of self, missing a golden opportunity to embrace the full tapestry of humanity.

As someone who champions the cause of inclusivity on platforms like Twitter, I find this oversight not just disappointing but a glaring void in an otherwise masterfully crafted world.

Elden Ring, with its breathtaking vistas and intricate lore, could have been a beacon of progress. Instead, it stands as a monument to missed opportunities, echoing the silence of the Erdtree itself on matters that resonate deeply with so many of us. 6/10 – For its gameplay and exploration, it flies; for inclusivity and representation, it falters.

I will finish this off eventually. I got to the end of act 2 and whilst I was enjoying my time with it, I ended up having to head back to grind more and never attempted the boss again and started playing something else. Some decisions in the game also left me feeling a little aimless with my character, no options I had available seemed very fitting.

The combat is great fun - turn based tactics combat, though you'll need some patience for the amount of turns the enemies will go through before you take yours.

The main issues I have with this game are that multiplayer is a mess and almost unplayably so - it is never as enjoyable as solo. Its just a nightmare - its not as structured as a real D&D game and so people end up going everywhere and either get their gameplay interrupted constantly by cutscenes they know nothing about because theyre doing something else, or they dont turn on eavesdrop and miss out on the story. If you could get everyone to want to do the same thing it would be fine, but its just not ever going to work like that. It would be better if everyone had to vote on a path to take with dicerolls or something.

Another thing I really dislike is there was a few instances in the game where things were brought up despite me never picking dialogue options that would let the character know about it, which really hindered my immersion. And when the games focus is entirely on the story, this is a huge issue.

The game does reak of woke unfortunately, which I personally dont care for, but whilst it tries to be inclusive and with the times it simultaneously offers some of the worst variety in customisation options ive ever seen, with characters having four voice options and none of them sounding particularly rough or brutal. It was so bad that the game was basically unplayable without mods for me, as I like to play Orcish characters and having him speak like a british restaurant owner is a big nono.

Ultimately this is a really good D&D game but its not the perfect game everyone makes out that it is. It was definitely overhyped due to appealing to a loud audience. Its a shame that current politics caused it to win GOTY over other games that are most likely, more deserving.

Multiverse science fantasy bullshit gave me a headache just trying to simply know what was happening.

Played on easy mode for the story with my wife, passing the controller between fights and story segments.

I was worried that the fact this isn't the entire original game was going to spoil it and make the game feel incomplete like the first one, however i'm pleased to report this isn't the case.

Honestly if you've never played the original game, you'll probably be duped into thinking the final boss is just the end of the story. It is presented really well. It does feel like a full package here - even the Midgar segment from the previous game doesn't really feel necessary to play this one. All in all its a fantastic experience from start to finish with awesome combat which is a spectacle to watch - yes, there are moments where it does feel a bit sluggish or annoying whilst youre pushed back by enemies when youre trying to build your ATB guage, but they are traded off with satsifying moments of mega anime special moves, which softens the blow significantly.

There's plenty of criticism going about in regards to the open world, but honestly its not remotely intrusive at all. You can complete the main offering (the story) without touching a single side quest, which I did, and you can easily forget the game is even open world.

Whether the quality of the open world holds up to the MSQ remains to be seen as I didn't touch it in this playthrough, but the fact I feel confident enough to give it a 9 without experiencing any of that additional, optional content should be a good sign.

Also the game has a pretty ridiculous charm about it and knows when to get silly just as much as it knows when to get real. Unlike Remake, this game does a fantastic job of showing new fans like me just why the original story is so beloved.

The beach did not dissapoint.

Its anime dark souls minus all the charm of dark souls, plus a little bit of generic hack and slash DNA. As much as I love anime art styles, this is one of those cesspit games i've tried where its just generic anime action game.

I really wanted to like this game, and I did have some fun moments with it, but its not substantial enough to justify spending your time on it. Its just really mediocre.

Really overgassed crap. I don't really care if the story gets good - what you get from your initial playthrough is essentially nothingness. The gameplay is really atrocious too. Some of the worst hack and slash combat I have ever seen in a game ever, and the difficulty is so fucking whack I just cant. Either play the whole game getting oneshot and dealing no damage, or lower the difficulty and have everything be trivial.

Many areas of the game are outright bad and frustrating. I honestly just cant with this game unfortunately, although id like to go back and finish it off someday soon. I just dont have the willpower to finish it another 2 times.

Friend bought me this to prove action time battle is shit.

I was like "Hah, gonna be ez".

Fought a robot training dummy, saw it was some pseudo JRPG trash where you can move around and was like "Nah. this aint it."

Square often times don't cook, but what were they cookin?

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This is easily the best game i've ever played.

Orpheus is meant to play sad songs forever but he pulls the troll move and makes Aigis do it instead. So much for protecting me forever man.

Fuck you Atlus. This game made me cry so much I felt sick. 11/10 mega ultra turbo peak. Im so glad its over so I can play it again straight away.

Never bothered to finish this though I got pretty far. The Wii motion controls are just really not good at all, which is a shame because the actual gameplay is really good fun, especially when combined with its legendary soundtrack, probably the best in gaming history. The visuals are also excellent though I remember the art style getting a little overwhelming on the eyes at times. I WISH this game would get a console port with regular controls so it could hit a 7 or an 8 potentially, such a shame.

This game would be in the bin if it weren't for it's absolutely fucking killer soundtrack. The game is basically style without substance. Don't bother playing it really, it's just mediocre. Just whack the soundtrack on.

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There was a time many many years ago when I bought into the hype surrounding Platinum Games and jumped into Mad World for the Nintendo Wii, after hearing the fantastic soundtrack. Platinum games have always received heaps of praise for their hack and slash gameplay, but to be honest, I've just never understood it. They have a habit of switching up the gameplay often, but its rarely in a way that is actually enjoyable. This lends itself to the game shredding off a lot of its potential to be just above average. As much as I am disappointed that this game just was so close to being perfect, I am glad to report that this game has basically bucked that trend entirely. This is Platinum Games' swansong for Cereza, and I truly can see why it took them so long to come out with another Bayonetta title.

This is THE best hack and slash game ever made, at least that i've played thus far. I have played few games with better pacing than this. This time around, verses (the gauntlet areas where you kill a certain number of enemies to progress) are more spread apart, some even completely skippable, in semi-open world stages. This allows for Bayonetta to utilize her impressive arsenal of new demon transformations as mobility to explore and hunt for collectibles, which reward you with plenty of good stuff that I actually cared to collect. In fact, the way this game doubles as a collectathon has it coming top tier in both genres. Obviously, it's not the best collectathon ever made given it is secondary, but it does give them a good run for their money. I always felt the way that Bayonetta 1 and 2 were structured so linearly made the collectibles or hidden verses just feel like a chore.

So, so, so much care was put into this game. ALL of the cringe voice acting, dead and buried. I don't remember hearing one bit of unintentionally cringy dialogue (more on that later). The performances here were brilliant. Are we playing a Bayonetta game for movie tier performance? Obviously not, but the way the characters are acted helps you take them a lot more seriously and actually makes you give a fuck about them. The biggest beneficiary of this is Bayonetta herself, who now comes across as actually womanly, and not just a parody of femininity made by horny devs. Even things like the dance sequences at the end are just done so much more tastefully - she really seems like a woman who is in control of her sexuality and flaunting it, and she feels badass to play.

There is literally only one outright bad level, which is set in Cairo, and it was the only one that made me actually put down the game and stop playing, because of a trash mechanic where you have to mash buttons to crawl out of quicksand. I'd honestly prefer just dying, as this ruins all momentum and is exceptionally annoying when you're trying to collect everything. LUCKILY, where I had saved and quit, it turned out when I next boot up the game, that I was at the end of the level, and that war crime of a chapter was actually not as long as I presumed it would be, so it doesn't influence the score heavily. Some bangers that I really enjoyed were: All of the Thule hub areas, the final two chapters, Tokyo, and Paris. Don't get me wrong, the others had their moments too, and were decent, but those knocked it out of the park.

I've heard plenty of criticism for this games multiverse plot and saying that it was wasted potential because of the infinite possibilities. I honestly don't really know what they expected in a stylish hack and slash game? I thought the way that Platinum utilised all of the alternate universe Bayonetta's was actually very creative and, some of their moments were surprisingly touching. Hell, the start of the game took me completely by surprise with how sombre it was - it was a fantastic launch pad for the rest of the game and it barely ever let up. The games fantastic finale had me shedding tears too, i'll admit, though it's just a shame that the heavy failings in storytelling and delivery in the first two titles did little to set up this tale - all care you have for these characters is quite literally built in this game, because they weren't really that likable before, or you just didn't care about them. Luka and Bayonetta's romance that was always intended since the first game is actually believable in this game, whereas before you knew they were meant to have a thing but you just never really felt any chemistry with their acting.

Performance wise, this game really runs quite fantastically on the switch. I had actually considered not buying it because I read plenty of reviews slamming the performance, but I ran into basically zero issues and I played (mostly) handheld but also docked aswell. I'm playing on a 4K screen so even with the 900p resolution I thought the game's graphics still looked serviceable, which is all I could ask for from a console as weak performing as the switch. You can really tell that this game is hardcore pushing the limits of this hardware, Platinum must've had to work magic to keep this game running well. There are dips to like, 50fps occasionally, but it's really not noticeable enough to call an issue and it never affects your gameplay. The ONLY noticeable dip in performance I saw was during the second to last Chapter, there was three enemies during a boss fight that randomly gave me slowdown until I killed two of them? It was rather jarring, especially given as there wasn't much more happening on screen than usual, if at all.

Presentation in this game is fantastic - gone are those shit dimension maps where you pick your level. Now, you have a charming little scene of Viola's bedroom where you can throw darts at the level nodes to pick your stage on a world map, but the little details like every object in her room having an appropriate sound effect for being hit with the dart if you do so, is what really sells this. The UI is the best it's ever been too, far less confusing, with plenty of unlockable costumes and colours that I found myself changing constantly, which I did not in the first two. Gone are the days of stupidly buying skills from the Gates of Hell, hello to the wonderful world of having an actual talent tree. FOR EVERY WEAPON. And there's no shortage of them either, you will literally get a new weapon every area of the world you visit, sometimes even two at once. It's insane - just by the time you've nearly maxed out the tree on the one you've been newly perfecting throughout the level the game hurls another at you. It never gets boring - the same with the gameplay mixups. Bullet hell segments, on rail shooter segments, boss battles utilizing Bayonetta's arsenal of demons? They're all fun and don't overstay their welcome - Platinum really knew what they were doing here, with the exception of the shitty Godzilla style battles? There are only like 3 of them in the game and they don't last too long but jesus christ, they suck if only because of how slow you move. It's like they thought the two of you moving at a snails pace would make it more dramatic, but its just boring. The soundtrack is dope as usual, too.

Another common complaint I see is regarding the two other playable characters, Jeanne and Viola. Contrary to the common opinion, I actually did enjoy Jeanne's levels - they were short and sweet 2D side scrolling stealth segments, however I can understand the criticism given that if you don't like that sort of thing it's completely jarring, and it is required to progress the story. I found them fun, however, and thought they were handled with the same Platinum polish that is everywhere else in this game. Viola, on the other hand though, ergh...

Viola is the new character introduced right at the start of this game. Is she outright terrible? Nah. But her gameplay is just totally lacking the polish that is present everywhere else in this game - she feels alot simpler, but ironically the simplicity of her kit makes her alot harder to play because of how clunky it is and how few options you have. This is especially true when shes side by side to Bayonetta, who has literally some of the best, varied gameplay i've seen to date, and Viola is just excruciatingly mid. Hell, where Bayonetta has like 8 or 9 talent trees, Viola only has one, which I maxed out immediately by the end of her FIRST level. If Platinum wanted to go this route they SERIOUSLY needed to give her alot more to work with to make her remain interesting. Her soundtrack goes really hard though. Unfortunately, she makes the ending somewhat bittersweet too, given that she's really not all that much of a charming character. As I mentioned early about the VA, there's no unintentional cringe here. However, Viola is intentionally meant to be a bit of a quirky, outcasty type character who's a little awkward and puts on a brave face. She also has an american accent, which is really strange given the context of her. The problem with this is that she just generally isn't that likable and she only has like one or two good lines in the whole game, and the rest of them are just nothing or make you recoil a bit with how cringe it is. Thankfully, she only has three stages in the whole game, and one segment in the last level, but my god do those bits feel like a slog. It's not like the levels are bad, she just makes playing them feel worse than they should.

I think if I carry on talking about this game I will have an aneurism because i've been writing for so long and I have a headache. Basically the game is sick and you should play it if you're into hack and slash games, this is one of the best you'll get in my opinion. Also just like the good old days theres an unlockable demo for what would later be Bayonetta's next game, Bayonetta Origins, which I thought was commendable and is something companies just don't really do anymore.

Good god. The amount of hype this game gets is unreal and massively undeserved for sure.

Bayonetta 1 and 2 stans are the kinds of people who... I can't even think of anything funny, it's like being a stan for Bayonetta 1 and 2 is enough honestly.

Bayonetta 1 was a fun game with loads of missed potential and a lazy, tacked on hard mode where enemies just have shittons of health and you take loads, which encourages you to spam abuse broken defensive mechanics, such as the Link shield forward spam. But it had POTENTIAL. Above all of it there was this eh, pretty cringe dialogue and script, surface level story telling, but there was very clearly a really passionately crafted lore for this world that just wasn't quite there in showing itself. But that, I can forgive - it was the first in the series. I did really enjoy the way it almost scratched that itch left by DMC1 (the only DMC game I actually like). In fact, I only played Bayonetta 1 because I was hyped to play 2, and thought it would be a shame to miss out the first game.

But holy fuck. This game is just really... it exists, for sure. The combat is fun for a little while, until you realise that all of your combos look the exact same visually, and you realise that nothing is gonna be too varied from what you're used to in Bayonetta 1 - except now there is very little room for exploration, levels are just tunnels and corridors with no breathing room.

But the worst offender that made me put it down after 2 hours? HOLY shit, the cringe dialogue. It's so bad. Oh my god. If you see this dialogue it's garbage. Delivery is landing anywhere between subpar - really shit. Characters dropping the F bomb constantly (swearing is totally fine but its just lazily used and adds nothing here, the things they say don't sound like actual conversations whatsoever), really corny one liners that never land, and stupid shit like Loki the little dork fake british accent loser who says "heh ur the guy who look at bayonettas tits? xd". It's so cringe.

Honestly, it's so bad I just turned the game off. These characters are not fun to watch, and seeing how many cutscenes this game throws at you at the start its a slog to get through. This game isn't campy, it's corny.

You think you have it all planned out until you don't.

What happened to the funny little cat?

I have attempted to get into this game on like three seperate occasions and I just can't. Even when the story starts to feel like it's going somewhere it's just not captivating enough for me to care. I don't really like the cast that much, despite the fact that the bro dynamic is good, so the fact I don't really care about any of them doesn't help either.