Improved on Diablo 3 massively. So much fun with friends back in the day, i've played it to death now and it's no longer fun for me though.

EDIT: After checking my hours on this game, it wasn't quite as extensive as I thought. It's around like 120 hours or something. The game just isn't that interesting once you've played through on every class. I got my mileage out of it, I have fond memories but I don't think I can relive it the same way as I did before.

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This is undisputably the number 1 spot in the entire series. Whoever flames the Pokemon of this gen are just coper kids that don't like to admit every generation has some mid pokemon in the dex, this one is no different. The amount of good to amazing Pokemon that were in this dex is unrivalled and not matched by any other game to date, AND the fact that the dex was exclusively Gen 5 Pokemon and forced their use was an excellent decision that I wish would get taken again.

The art style is fantastic - it's a send off to the beautiful pixel art style of old mixed with gorgeous 3D rendered environments and some stunning views at moments to boot. The soundtrack is also turbo bangin'. This game seriously fucks.

Also, that Elite 4 though. So tough, what a great fight. And such a good twist with N instead of the Alder at the end.

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Fantastic game.

Fierce Deity Link.

Play it with a walkthrough, unless you enjoy racking your brain for ages with riddles.

Literally bought it as an excuse to play again, not to mention I wanted both legendaries.

Got to the first zombie and put the controller down. 2 spooky


Game is acceptable at best but short as fuck and only remotely saved by mods, which isnt even SEGAs doing. It's really not amazing like everyone claims.

We chill

We drop a point from 8 to 7 because the minute you try do anything ambitious the game grinds to a halt because the switch is junk.

This game was actually BANGIN' back in the day. It's still decent and you can have fun with it, but every time I go back to it I never play it through to completion. It was satisfying to complete though and as a kid I spent hundreds of hours on it.

Wanted to finish this on hard mode before moving on to Bayo 2 but it literally sucked the life out of me to even attempt, I never got round to playing Bayonetta 2 because of it.

The hard mode really sucks - lazy difficulty scaling where enemies are just sponges that deal mega damage rather than actually challenging you or promoting different strategies. The game very quickly becomes boring. I know Hard Mode is an extra mode, but it affects my enjoyment of the game because I enjoy challenge and strategy.

The normal mode in this game is okay. It's fun and satisfying, but often has you groaning with the disappointment of another segment that takes you out of the action.

Ultimately, Bayonetta 1 feels like a bunch of okay ideas were threw together into a melting pot and this is what came out of it, some realised and some missed.

Quintessential party game. me and the boys.

Your stevie is an ore

OST is the best bit of this game.

Combat is mid, boss battles are decent but everything between them is mostly boring. The music really kicks ass and still listen to it to this day. Zandatsu is cool also. You can literally just parry everything though.

Never beat the DLCs as I didnt have the itch to play them.