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SkeletonHouse commented on MegaTheRealOne's list IGN's Greatest Hits
Gen 3's 'too much water' is actually the purest factual statement ever uttered by man.

14 hrs ago

3 days ago

SkeletonHouse completed Chasm: The Rift
Find a switch that opens a door somewhere in the level that has a switch inside that opens a door somewhere in the level that has a switch inside that opens a door somewhere in the level. Also every time you hit a switch 4 monster closets open, one of which will be directly behind you.

5 days ago

SkeletonHouse completed Golden Axe
Dude why the big guy the final boss, those skeletons are way scarier.

6 days ago

SkeletonHouse completed Titanfall 2
The power went out when I was playing and my mid-mission autosave got corrupted so I had to restart the chapter, and I went 'ah hell yeah' because I got to play the first half of Cause and Effect again.

11 days ago

SkeletonHouse completed Metroid Prime: Trilogy
Played through with PrimeHack which is awesome.

MP1: Very good, but the artifact hunt wore me down a bit, mostly because I had already been through every area 100 times because I am bad at this game. Still a great time.

MP2 and 3 in progress.

12 days ago

SkeletonHouse completed Grimhook
As a proof of concept: Concept Proven. The movement is extremely fluid, the only thing I would change is a bit more speed maybe. But yeah, I would definitely slap down some bones for a full game of this.

Plus the built-in rocket jump seal of approval.

12 days ago

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