110 Reviews liked by SkeletonHouse

Game exclusively tuned to be about a single thing (swashbuckling) turns out to be probably the best incarnation of that single thing to ever be done in the whole medium

It's not good, but I owned it, so I played it more than I should have.

I would shake this under my desk in school during lectures. My chemistry teacher got me suspended because she thought I was masturbating. But really I was just gaming bro.

When President Johnson loosens his tie, says he's ready to face the consequences of his betrayal against the US, then grabs Raiden by the pussy I had to put the controller down and wonder how Kojima knew Trump would become president.

An interactive adaptation of one man's attempt to recover his dumb, stolen NFT Apes

i took shrooms once and played this game with a friend and we got stuck in a corner with a mob banging into us over and over again and we couldnt die. it made me laugh so hard i threw up all over the floor great game

i remember hacking my character to have a bazillion 9999+ damage charms and beating my friend that cjoined my local server in one hit. he showed up the next day at school with a print out of his stats and tried to prove to me what i did was impossible lmfao

this game would be 5 stars if sonic and shadow kissed

yes im giving it a 5, what about it? its not a 5 but im giving it a 5 anyway!

Really fun western shooter with the jankiest controls ever, and community servers that play kid rock and wild wild west songs on repeat

drink yo milk bitch damn! fuck you looking crazy for!

I loved everything about this game. I would not change a thing.

Well, except Max's face. I would change his face. BUT OTHER THAN THAT IT'S PERFECT!

Revisiting a childhood game, and realizing the game has not only aged incredibly well, but it is significantly better than you remember may be one of the best feelings in the world. You always knew the game was great, but experiencing that greatness with a deeper appreciation for what makes it so great is like reaffirming your childhood memories. I thought this was one of the best arcade racing games ever made. And fortunately (and somewhat unfortunately) this still reigns true today. F-Zero GX is the peak of the series, and I think I get why Nintendo and Sega were so afraid to make a proper follow-up to it. It's hard to improve on perfection, without fundamentally changing it. What we were left with was Mario Kart 8.....for 10 years.

Rest in Piece F-Zero/10

some days makes me feel like a genius for being able to tell a game from the first screenshot and other days leaves me so confused just guessing age of empires everytime they show me screenshots of an rts or western strategy game