Highpoint of the series for me

More features than the previous title but somehow less fun

All timer hack and slash, wish brawlers would go back to this style of combat instead of the Arkham style one button+directional

Weapons and vehicles somewhat limited due to the setting, but I appreciate the risk in setting a fast paced AAA FPS title in WW1.

The last great BF game, I'm afraid.

Bad live service, over promised under delivered, goofy design decisions, somehow played, looked, and sounded worse than the game before it

Incredible bag fumble, I @ed Randy for years on twitter about how bad this game dropped the ball compared to the previous two.

Every cutscene is in 1st person, intuitive real time squad command system, really fun/interesting split screen MP. Criminally slept on WW2 game.

3 stars because I think those SMGs are top 10 lamest guns in an fps

I think I would have loved this in high school, but it's just too janky with too many stats for me to keep track of now. 👴🏻👴🏻

Loved being my own Spartan and the addition of MP loadouts over the usual power weapon rush. Big fan.

Please just make a new Titanfall

They done fucked up the wheelspins, ruined the loop for me. Fun for a while though.