Beautiful presentation, impressive art direction, incredible graphics and use of multi-media, a mindbending story that was fascinating and, at times, a little heartbreaking.

But the gameplay was tedious. A slog even. This game broke the cardinal rule of not being fun to play. A lot to admire for sure, and I think Remedy will one day make a masterpiece but they need to make sure the playing part is just as engaging as their storytelling. Enemy variety was nonexistent. Enemies were bullet sponges. A lot of tedious walking around with nothing to engage with. Tedious puzzles. And Saga’s Mind Place was a snoozefest.

Ultimately, I’m pretty disappointed because the potential for this to be amazing was definitely here. Maybe next time.

The hate-boner for this game has been a little confusing…I mean, it’s not perfect but as a Souls-like it’s pretty damn fun. And GORGEOUS! This game is a real looker, no doubt about that. As well, the exploration with the use of the Umbral lamp was dope. My favorite part of the game was running through each area and unlocking the shortcuts to see how everything fits together. Dual-weilding was also an absolute blast! Boss fights were mediocre and is what holds the game back but everything else was excellent. This game’s launch was a prime example of people online creating a negative echo chamber on a game because most online folks don’t play things for themselves prior to forming an opinion - play this shit for yourself and see!

So. Much. FUN! And beautifully creative. The only issue I had was I found it a wee bit easy - even the difficult levels were not too bananas. However, it was always immensely enjoyable!

This game (and now playing it’s sequel, Jedi Survivor ) has single-handedly revived my love of all things in a galaxy far, far away.

Respawn have just simply nailed this world: from the sound design to the art direction to the cast of loveable characters fighting the Empire. Everything here oozes that badass Star Wars vibe I remember feeling when watching the OG movies as a kid (Episodes IV-VI)!

The backtracking through levels seemed to bother some folks, but it just made the world feel a bit more grounded to me. I dug it. And the combat is like FromSoftware-light and it feels and looks awesome!

This new trilogy of games may be one of the best entries into Star Wars canon, full stop!

NYC in the winter feels so damn cozy in this game, I may play this at the start of every winter to get me into the holiday vibe.

The story was wonderful - full of heart and humour as expected. Traversal rules (as you already know) and the game is stunning to look at. Insomniac has this down to a science.