It's xenoblade so it's good, but this story isn't really anything at all especially looking back post 3 and future redeemed

It's a cute game but legitimately the sound design made me feel physically uncomfortable for the entire runtime

i thought there would be more to this game but it's really just all you see on the tin

you ever wanted to play a musical adventure game? well here's a claymation musical adventure game that's pretty funny


every roguelike whose weapons and upgrades are shit like +.3% damage to lesser fire demons on wednesdays should be shot into the sun

i dont get it and i dont think im supposed to, also i was promised online co-op and that isnt in the game so that makes me mad


There is nothing else like sea of thieves. It is bullshit. It is frustrating. It's some of the most fun I've had with friends in any game.

Cool gameplay with the most mid AI generated cyberpunk story of all time

i dont remember this game at all but i gave it a 4 on my google doc

a layton game for people who thought the layton sequel trilogy was too dumbed down, which was already dumbed down compared to the first three

a "choices matter" papers please style game where everyone i know who's played it has gotten the best ending by accident their first playthrough