Good short horror game, strained my eyes after a while tho lol.

The boss fights ALL SUCK but it has majima everywhere so it's all good

what a good campaign hope the multiplayer fans have a long and happy lifespan of support coming

It just didn't click with me. I recognize it's good but it didn't do it for me

If you like overdetailed maps in your build engine shooters and cool ass weapons this is the one

Hasn't aged well gameplaywise but the story is pretty great

Surprisingly good for how it almost killed the series

Pretty much just uncharted 2: 2

the weapons aren't there yet imo, but the base of a good game is here, hope it doesn't die indev

quickly gets overwhelming for me but it's a solid foundation and i can see why people would love it

open world uncharted FUCKS!!!!


a good time but i will never remember any of these levels

a charmless action rpg that's the first mana game, it is entirely by the numbers and unremarkable but it's fine

What happens when an 8/10 flubs the landing so bad it needs 3 games to get back on its feet from the terrible ending? 6/10

the singleplayer in this is probably the worst since 64 but the bones of it are tight enough that it hardly matters