femcel max payne through a horny klasky csupo filter, this game made the pandemic worth it

Wanna write a drama movie but don't have the chops to cut it in hollywood? Cut your movie into pieces and let the audience "piece it together". Now your mediocre drama is an emergent interactive video game based neo-experience. Her Story at least had an interesting premise, this just sucks.

Holds up surprisingly well with the pixel remaster

Ace attorney writing is so far above the rest of the industry that even a game whose plot and characters are so middling by AA standards still gets a 6. This game is the weakest link in the series that I actually finished. It just feels like a by the numbers fanfic. Spunky new lawyer joins the gang with an evil prosecutor and they share a dark past.

Most games are pretty simple, you jump on enemies, you die, you have to insert another coin. Ultra Despair Girls changed that

this review takes up two item slots, go rearrange key items for 5 minutes and come back

A ton of love put into this one. It may be a bit short for the price but the only thing I could really imagine adding would be the tree dome. Everything else you'd expect and then some is included here

I am nowhere near as passionate as other people who played the ps3 game about this remake being bad. At its core there's still a pretty good game here, but it's filtered through UE5 Nintendo Hire This Man graphic design that makes it really weird to those who loved the original. If I hadn't played the original I probably would have loved it - I loved bluepoint's remake of SoTC when I had never touched that game before - so if you haven't played it and don't have a ps3 then go ahead.

part of me wants to say this is a genuinely moving piece of art that i think influenced me as a person more than most games can ever dream of but also i think the game would want the review to just say something like "beanut putter"

i think this might be the best retro revival boomer shooter?? maybe better than ultrakill???

this is basically completely unplayable these days but me and some friends had fun with it when it first released. still it's not much of a game

this game has no soul and the title is the funniest part of it, the puzzles are not even puzzles and genuinely feel ai generated because the difficulty curve is completely random, the first hour of this game was kind of funny but for a cheap novelty 10 bucks is too much

This game has the atmosphere of something that was not supposed to be in this world. Every aspect of the game comes together to make the entire game feel fundamentally wrong and it's one of the creepiest games I've ever played as a result. "You are being stalked by a monster" is a fun feeling in a horror game, but this one instead nails the vibe of an actual nightmare. Not the kind where you're getting chased by a giant spider, but those visceral nightmares where your mind just activates all your fear responses to things that your waking self can't even figure out.

See I can only give this game half of the 9/10 it deserves because square enix fucked with it so bad that it killed the franchise. An amazing game chopped in half because of studio meddling. I don't even care that much about the deus ex series as a whole but the second half of mankind divided is one of my most wanted games ever. One of the best immersive sims of all time butchered like this. Fuck you square enix