The translation fan team did an amazing job here. This is how you do a connected plotline. It starts with a bang and ends with you unraveling a spider web of conspiracy and espionage. Shame we never got this in the west, it would have been the perfect sendoff to DS ace attorney.

i am amazed that a AAA publisher put this out and so happy they did

the platonic ideal of a phone game to kill time and nothing else

A game that has been completely ruined by esports. I hope everyone who was pushing for games to be considered real sports in the 2000s and 2010s gets kept up at night by all the games thoroughly ruined because of that. When it was good, it was REALLY good, but it's completely impenetrable to newcomers these days and every edge has been sanded off to create a very sterile, very balanced game that vaguely resembles the chaotic and inventive fun it used to be.

great game, doesn't really ramp up in difficulty though, it's pretty much the same throughout which was lame compared to the crazy curve of 2

why did they keep making games after this and not just release super monkey ball 2 again every few days?


listen... hear me out... ep 1 is great, the others kinda smelly, plus we all know doom 2 better....

I will never be able to recapture the feeling of playing this game for 2 months straight every day but I won't forget that feeling either

i did not grow up with halo outside of multiplayer at friends' houses and i think after slogging through 5 missions of combat that felt like shooting pillows at other, larger pillows that this is a pokemon situation where if you didnt grow up with it you can't get into it now

playing this on the ps3 was just a vibe that doesn't compare to the remake, the atmosphere is completely different and i prefer it here

NOT an underrated classic the AVGN was right I WOULD rather have a diarhea dump in my ear

for the remake specifically, it's weird how the audio is still ps1 crispy, but otherwise it's a good remake

a game about the "beautiful" love story between a 50 year old and a 16 year old, do not play this game

Before this got localized, the generally accepted 'best case' in ace attorney was the fourth case of the second game. You rarely saw people pick anything else. Now it's the final case of this game. It's amazing.

The exp scaling ruins the game. The only yakuza game that bullshitted me enough that I didn't want to even finish it. You know exactly what fight. Everything past chapter 9 is an increasing exercise in testing your patience. I shouldn't be overjoyed to be able to turn off random encounters with an equip because every one of them takes 10 minutes due to how obnoxiously tanky every enemy is. There is a good game under here and I hope to god yakuza 8 is better but the good moments just get fewer and far between and the boss of chapter 12 ohkoing my whole party after 7 hours of grinding the same fucking 5 floors of the battle arena is enough for me. This is on top of the fact that while doing every side quest available I was still insanely underleveled at all times because none of them reward you with anything useful, not even exp. God this game is frustrating. It should be a slam dunk, the writing is great and the characters are amazing and the minigames are the best in the series, but the exp scaling giving out .25% of a level up every random battle ruins it flatout.