I think this might be my favorite out of the Bioshock trilogy, unpopular I know. This world is unmatched. We all thought Rapture was great but Columbia felt so believable. I never got tired of seeing the idealized version of Americana, complete with its shortcomings. The story was pretty engaging as well. I really enjoyed all the twists and cerebral turns even if I did scratch my head once or twice. As far as the gameplay goes I thought the weapons were kind of sub par. I didn't bother to use anything but the carbine all game. I also thought this world was less samey compared to Rapture which made it fun to explore. I want to live here, minus the religious zealots and civil war.

It counts itself among not only the best Mario RPGs but some of the best RPGs ever in my opinion. What a colorful world filled with interesting characters and settings. It is also surprisingly funny at times. Not to mention a noose being one of the first things you see in a Mario game is wild. It's simple enough for those who don't care to min max but it's deep enough for people who want to break the game and be and OP glass cannon. The only negative I can really speak to is that there is a lot of backtracking and side quests that don't really amount to much. Considering how great the world is it's a little disappointing that we didn't get some cooler side quests. This is a must play.

I'm not a fighter type of guy because the skill necessary to play is admittedly too much for me. With SF6 though and the modern control option I've actually been able to play and have a lot of fun with it. I think for newbies this is definitely the most welcoming and easily accessible fighter yet.

I played this on release and boy was it some hot garbage. I'm happy to see it's grown into what everyone wanted it to be. It wasn't perfect. There was way too much pointless content. So many gigs. Some of the main story quests felt pointless too. A lot of dead ends that didn't amount to anything. Where this game excels though is in it's world building and character connections. I've never wanted to live in a place more than I do Night City. And given how much of a cesspit it is that's a big compliment.

A classic shooter, complete with getting lost in labyrinths while looking for keys.

It's the kirb style but a metroidvania. I don't care for the maze like level structure. Not for me.

Comfy pinball game. I like the addition of the catching mechanic being brought onto a pinball table.

When I think of Kirb games this is the one I think of. It has all the notable tropes and is just a comfy experience.

A comfy little portable pinball game. It's full of cheese though and can be rage inducing.

Definitely better than the original Dream Land but we still aren't quite there yet. A lot longer than the OG and finally adding in the copy abilities is cool but it's surrounded by jank. I do love the animal friends though. Minus Kine, he's kinda whack.

It has charm and good music but it's incredibly short, the controls are kinda trash, and Kirb without his copy ability is just blasphemous. Appreciate it for paving the way but it's a hard skip in <current year>.

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This game is the definition of whiplash. It's a fantastic action RPG that gets brought down by a ton of poor design choices. For starters the combat is really engaging. I love the fights and all the abilities and how unique the characters are (even if I used Aerith and Tifa for 95% of the game).

What I dislike though is how much content there is. I can hear the cries of people saying that I just want a linear CoD hallway simulator type game. That's not it. I enjoy good side content but this isn't it. It's the same collectathon type bullshit in every area. I feel like I'm playing Assassin's Creed with how many towers I climbed. The amount of minigames in here is also way too much. Did we really need to recycle the motorcycle section from the last game and have 2 tower defenses? And even the side quests that are ok suffer from horrible difficultly balance. Looking at you ultimate party animal. It was definitely a quantity over quality type deal here. It was obvious they were just padding out the length of the game since it's the "middle part".

That brings me to the story. What a crock of horse doodoo. The character stuff is great. I love the characterization we get for everyone and how they interact, that's perfect. What I can't get behind is this multiple timeline mumbo jumbo. We beat Sephiroth 10 times and he's still around. Ghost Aerith is here because Cloud touched alt universe #6 Aerith. If it sounds stupid that's because it is. I'm not some VII purist that thinks this needed to be a 1:1 remake but man what they did here is not it.

Loved the game, wanted to love it more. I can't give it a higher score because of the many issues with it. Hope they do a better job with the last one.

Also fuck you for not making Vincent playable.

The most well put together DK Land game. The special color version really adds a whole lot and it's a shame this was a Japan exclusive and the other games didn't get the same treatment. It was definitely the most fair but it's not as good as DKC2 in my opinion. Definitely worth a playthrough for some portable Kong though.

A pretty good portable version of DKC2. The camera is miles better than Donkey Kong Land 1. A good healthy mix of levels here and they kept a lot from the SNES version intact.