It's a great time :)

It's literally me :)

Made me smile :)

It's a Parody on the boomer shooter genre but with the bad parts of duke nukem levels.

You'll explore a level for a long time until you finally find that one door or weird geometry you needed to climb on to get to the next zone.

The purposefully bad story and cut scenes can mostly be looked past, I think it goes a too hard parodying the idea of hackers and gamers back then.

I dropped this game mostly due to the level design

Was a great and fun Foddy-like game, was a short and sweet game jam game, was real satisfying to master the controls.

The only part I think could use some work was the trap door section as it was a bit unresponsive when allowing you to get your 2nd jump but otherwise you can find a way to get past it.

Great third game in the series, Really fun if you have a friend or significant other on the couch playing with. It's short but full of fun, plenty of challenges as well after you beat the game.

Great platformer where you play as your avatar against other friends. Was a great game to pick up when there wasn't any games coming out at the time back in the day

Pikmin is one of my beloved franchises, so much fun

Really good change in the Halo franchise, it's harder, it requires stealth at times. One of my favorites, really enjoy ODST's in the story and it's much more human with how a character getting damaged or killed makes an impact.

Great game, it's simple has a fun story, it's a game you get more invested into the story than anything. Finding secrets to blow the lid open on the story was great

This is the best top down Zelda, I was compelled to 100% it, and I still want more, such a well rounded game, such fun dungeons and progression, a Must Play!

Better than mario sunshine, casting is a bit awkward but game-play and the levels are really creative and tons of fun to traverse

I really liked this one, music, environments, enemies. There was something missing from this that was present in Silent hill 2, the near end felt like a dream that I never saw the end of the tunnel until it happened. Great Survival horror

It's been such a great ride being there from the near beginning. It's matured over the years to be really great to this day, constantly making improvements to the game, still changing up progression. So much fun and even better with friends. So much custom content literally a decade worth. An Unparalleled classic

Iconic game, really fun progression, love all the plants and ways to finish levels, mixes up game-play based on the time of day and maps. Such a good time

Played this so much as a kid, was my go-to mario for a long time. Still really solid levels and gave us the fun Giant Musroom