Gameplay gets unbelievably frustrating at times and the story isn't anything special, but the atmosphere and the overall aesthetic of the game makes up for it. So yeah, story's nothing special, but I still would recommend this to everyone, just for the amazing atmospheric experience.


Things I liked:
- Fight mechanics were great. They are very choppy but still very enjoyable
- Great character designs
- Art Style

Things I disliked:
- Story mode (it had the potential to be something special but well)
- Voice acting kinda cringe ngl

Overall, despite its flaws, it's still a very fun to play game and that's more than enough for me. And of course, it's a fighting game so I don't really mind the (kinda) worthless story.

May is a walking-talking L😭



Close your eyes, randomly move here and there, take a screenshot, open your eyes, and there you go, you have your new wallpaper.


I've lost count of how many times I've said this before, but I've known about the Persona franchise for a very long time and it always came off as that one franchise I just wouldn't enjoy so it's natural that I was skeptical going into it. But I think I can safely say that it did not disappoint. In fact, it's easily one of the best experiences I've ever had.

I wouldn't say it hooked me right from the get-go, hell I might just go and say that the first 4-5 hours were kinda boring. Traversing through Tartarus was a massive pain in the ass, wasn't enjoying the concept of social links, etc etc, but you what? I came to appreciate them. Did I have an epiphany out of nowhere? Yeah, but not really. The social links, that initially came off as "you just hanging around with the irrelevant characters, who didn't even get their voice actors, to somehow form bonds to get your Personas strong", gradually turned into some really nice short stories. I wouldn't say those characters were the best when it came to writing, but their conflicts just felt so grounded and real, something everyone can relate to, and were fun to follow, and despite not being able to finish all the social links, I managed to find a lot of great ones, notably The hanged Man arcana (Maiko), the Hermit arcana (Maya) and the infamous Sun arcana (Akinari). Tartarus just grew on me SO much over time as well. It straight up took me back to my Pokemon days, where you just had to learn a lot of things by yourself, instead of all the information about how every single thing works being spoonfed to you, and I can say gladly that this was the first time in my entire life, where I actually enjoyed farming and exploring all the areas.

Speaking of the narrative, while it wasn't as good as I expected it to be(It was kinda messy, to be honest), while the antagonist cast wasn't all that great, it did a great job of executing its themes. I still remember the odd pain I felt as January 31st got close. The dormmates' reaction to what was to come, and the music that played during that month, it was all just perfect. the finale was just as good as I expected it to be, everything from the final boss battle, which was one of the coolest(and hardest) I have ever seen and the epilogue was just beautiful. Finally getting to see the conclusions to all the side characters' stories was just heartwarming, and then you finally come to what I consider to be one of the best endings ever.

One of the best casts with even the side characters having intriguing character arcs, one of the best soundtracks, really fun gameplay(coming from someone who despises turn-based games), and a very heartfelt story, persona 3 is one of the best experiences I've ever had which will stay with me for a pretty long time. I could go on and on but that's all for this spoiler-free review.

I think I'm definitely hooked on the franchise with this. So the next game I'll be playing is.... persona 3 FES. Cuz I need to finish all the social links and I need those cutscenes. Or maybe Persona 4 first, we'll see. Also, I'll be watching the movies soon.

"Spec Ops The Lines" really sounded like the name of a random trashy shooter mobile game, but oh my fucking god this game is AMAZING. While the gameplay, the soundtrack, and the atmosphere were great, it's the story that really just blew me away. This is not just one of the best stories in games, but in media in general. I just can't talk about it without spoiling it but I would say that just do yourself a favor and play it. It does start like a military buddy-cop adventure story but give it some time and watch it blow away all your expectations.

Also, it has some of the best voice acting I've ever seen in games. The characters feel like actual human beings, unlike the usual shooter games. Easily the best game I've played this year so far.


Great gameplay, wonderful level design, banger OSTS, AHHH this was a great game. One of the most fun experiences I've had.
Was a bit skeptical of what it would offer as I had a tough time getting hooked to it after playing the first three chapters but MAN does this game go batshit insane. Also, the fact that the game doesn't take itself seriously just makes it so much better, allowing more batshit insane stuff. As for the story, it was better than I had expected but it still just exists for me. I do have a lot of problems here and there but those are either minor, or just me nitpicking so we're better off ignoring them. But I would say that some parts of the game are very clunky, the camera was pretty good but was a pain in the ass during some boss fights, and every time the game requires you to do platforming, it's a massive no-no for me. I mean hell, the entire chapter 15 was a pain in the ass and easily my least favorite part of the game.
Overall, Bayonetta is a really fun game with just a few hiccups here and there. I will definitely replay this, not anytime soon, but yeah.


I was planning to write a decently long review but if I had to sum all my thoughts up about this game, then it would be that it set up everything really well but failed completely when it came to execution.

A vibrant world, with a very lovable cast, a compelling story, good voice acting, and a lot of gameplay elements that made this game really addictive for me, someone who has a lot, and I mean A LOT of problems getting into RPGs. Liked the first four chapters a lot but everything goes downhill from the fifth one. The story starts getting unnecessarily stretched and literally all the conclusions of all the chapters just felt underwhelming. The groundwork for literally every character was laid well but none of them get satisfying conclusions. Are they likable? yeah, but they are rather bland. Last but not the least, The ending was just way too basic.

I'll be back here again once I'm done with the extra content that the Append mode didn't have.


This game's literally been on the Play Store since Android and IOS were new to everyone. Might seem like complete ass to people who recently found this, but it was just way too well-made for its time. Nothing but respect to the creators of this game.


Don't think it's possible to talk about this game without spoiling so here's my very brief(lol) review. This was definitely an experience I'll never forget. I really can't recommend it enough.

I was told beforehand a lot of times bout just how dated the gameplay and graphics are but I really had no problems with them. Right from the beginning, Silent Hill 2 encapsulates you in its haunting world. The game doesn't rely on jump scares at all(which I'm really not good with) and still manages to be scary. The map of Silent Hill is massive and detailed with every single location being unique and scary in its own way, especially The hospital.
I've honestly lost count of the times people have told me how bad the gameplay of SH2 is and honestly, I had no problems. Yes, the camera hasn't aged well but I've seen way worse (cough cough DMC1) and It was completely manageable. The puzzles are great but I do agree that some of them are just unnecessarily forced onto you. For example that one time when James has trouble inserting the key in cuz it was too dark(.....) but overall, they were pretty fun. The symbolism and mystery help the puzzles a lot as well, making them more interesting.
To sum it all up, the problems people had with SH2's gameplay didn't bother me all that much, and for me at least, the "gameplay" of SH2 arent the puzzles and fights, but instead, simply exploring the town, without being aware of what might jump at you. There's always this uneasiness that makes exploring any part of the town one of the best experiences ever. Even the infamously long walks in the corridors and staircases did a great job at creating that weird uneasiness that never really goes away, It really is a masterpiece when it comes to atmosphere.
I really can't talk about the story without spoiling, but I would say that Silent Hill 2 definitely has one of my favorite stories of all time, not just in games but in media in general and all the endings are worth your time(it's fine if u watch the other endings on Youtube)

Speaking of things I didn't like, the voice acting definitely has not aged well and to be very honest, it was straight up cringeworthy a lot of times but sit still has its charm. James just saying "l got a letter" is something that gives me chills every time I watch it. I did like Mary's acting a lot. The letter at the end made up for a powerful and emotional scene. But yeah, the voice acting is definitely on the weaker side.
Another one of my problems is that Pyramid Head clearly is supposed to be scary but.... he really isn't.....?
As for the graphics, I played the enhanced edition on pc which looked damn good so I have no problems with that. I would say that the character figures definitely haven't aged well and look goofy af at times. That's pretty much it, I guess.

Overall, Silent Hill 2 is an excellent game with one of the best stories, a masterpiece when it comes to atmosphere, a great soundtrack, and gameplay that isn't exceptional in any way but isn't as bad as people(who watched it on youtube instead of playing it) make it out to be. It is a popular game and I know most of y'all have already played it, but if you haven't, I really can't recommend it enough. That being said, I'm so excited to try out the other Silent Hill games, especially 3.

It's almost poetic how when Mary's letter plays in the Leave Ending, Silent Hill is still a foggy, dirty and a desolate town. But it's oddly beautiful.


Both better and worse than the first one. Definitely improved a lot on the gameplay(which really was pretty good in the first one), introducing a lot of exciting and fun gameplay elements, the graphics were great and the voice acting was phenomenal, and last but not the least, the final "fight" gave me a nostalgia attack and was easily the best part of the game AND better than Glados' fight in the first game, which was really damn good.
But it lacks in the atmosphere department a lot. One of the many things I liked about the first Portal game was how there was always this sense of dread and a lot of locations were genuinely creepy. While Portal 2 does present a way more detailed world, it just didn't have what the first Portal game did. Also, the game was just a chore to play a lot of times. It felt like it just wasn't getting to the point a lot of times.
Overall, my problems with Portal 2 are the same as the first one. I'm not the biggest fan of the gameplay(It's not bad, it's just that I have a hard time having fun with it) and the pacing in this game was all over the place which really put me off it a lot of times. But again, you get to see Chell's arms in this and that makes it an above average game(I'm playing).


Wasn't feeling this tbh but I reached the final part of the game and I finally understand all the hype behind this. Still, not the biggest fan but not bad by any means either. Also, theatmosphere was phenomenal.


The gameplay is so fucking cool and to my surprise it actually had a story which is vague but that's what made it so gripping. Will definitely replay this. So goddamn fun. Can't wait for the DLC and can't recomend this enough. feels bad for the Headhunter
