30 reviews liked by Snakebutnotsolid

One of the most unique and polished metroidvanias I’ve played. There’s the unique art design, blending pixelated retro graphics with neon colours and modern smoke, fluid and lighting effects, all coming together to give it this very surreal, very serene yet sinister atmosphere. There’s the open ended structure, full of branching paths and skips, I honestly can’t see any two players having the same first playthrough, and it goes without saying that it gives value to subsequent playthroughs. There’s the items, which take an almost Outer Wilds or Tunic kind of approach, where throughout the game you discover you have abilities and functions that you’ll realize were actually there the whole time. There’s the puzzles, some of which have more than one solution and encourage thinking outside the box. There’s all the surprises and hidden secrets, some of which really drive home the Outer Wilds/Tunic parallels. There’s the lack of tutorials or lines of text telling you what to do, its complete trust in you the player to figure it out yourself. All of this being made by just one guy. Billy Basso really had a very thorough creative vision and an exorbitant amount of passion and talent to see it through. I think he’s made something special, I feel pretty confidently that this is among the top 3 metroidvanias I’ve ever played.

Say what you will about Dunkey, but he has a damn good eye for indies and it’s endearing to see him use the platform he’s built to prop up smaller independent creatives like this. I’m excited to see what else Bigmode publishes down the line.

It's like Halo 2 and Halo 3 combined

i've never been more thankful to a youtuber than i am now the game isn't actually dogshit !!

thought it'd be like Rain World and even though it kinda shares similiar aesthetic the game is pretty different and oh boy is it good i was really pleasantly surprised (and the fact one guy made the majority of this too like damn)
truly a game meant to be played apart from the cat chase that is that part fucking SUCKS

This isn't a review, but somehow this game is only 29MB. Where's the rest of the game Dunkey?!

Animal Well really is a thing you need to experience with a controller in your hands and full focus because it is a living, breathing art piece that sucked me in. I bought this game 5 hours ago and I haven't put it down since. The way everything animated is like drinking cool water on a hot night. Refreshing.

Seeing the previews of this game, I thought "ok big youtuber videogamedunkey is firmly in his 30's and wants to expand beyond making shitposts and make money by becoming an indie publisher". I wasn't moved at all by any of the promotion for Animal Well. I am bored to DEATH of 2D platformers and this game only teased a pleasant art style which is not enough to make me care. Most 2D games all mostly play the same. I'm sleep.

Thing is I got 24.68 on my Steam Wallet, so why not give it a try.

It is a Metroidvania logic puzzler. There are no tutorials in Animal Well. You are left as to guess how you progress forward. It's not Baba is You go FUCK yourself hard. It is quite simple and natural gameplay that leads to bigger and bigger "ah-HA!" moments. The kind where you feel dumb and smart. Smumb. Darmbt. I felt like I was one of those things.

The gameplay mixed with the environments and ambient music just clicked with me hard. I was 45 minutes into the game after being cynical about the whole thing and my brain just snapped after a certain puzzle solution and I realized this game has a hidden power level of cleverness. It is so meticulously well thought out. It's not trying to reinvent the wheel. It just was catered for you to have a good time.

I recommend this game for everyone. I've been in a gaming slump where no new game releases has really excited me, but Animal Well is the game that pulled my brain out of that fog. Not saying it will do the same for you, but if you give it a shot, it just might.

It ain't as good as Hollow Knight, but this is right under that (so far) as a jaw dropping 2D game with content that keeps upping the ante in amazement.

Jamal Dunkey picked a banger to kick off his publishing venture.

A game that will stand the test of time. This game is like if La Mulana had no combat and was more approachable. Even that doesn’t give it enough credit with how unique the mechanics are. Really something special. This game proves with 37MB of data that gameplay design and passion can outshine the biggest budget titles.

Creepy, fantastical, ominous- presented in beautiful neon pixel art with smart game design. Love the theme of animal spirits.

The game itself feels like its alive, watching us, waiting...

I feel like I played this game at an incredibly fortunate time in my life. Struggling to commit to any game for more than a few hours I was burned out on most modern game genres such as shooters, platformers and RPGs. When I first saw this recommended to me on steam during a sale I was intrigued by the art-style and main gameplay mechanic. I didn't have particularly high hopes I just knew it was highly rated and had a unique aesthetic. If you had told me I was going to play through the game in one long 8 hour session whilst losing track of the time I'd have been shocked. This game is good. REALLY good.

Mechanically the game is fairly simple. You walk up to a corpse, use your stopwatch on it and you get several pieces of information. It starts with fully voiced dialogue of the moments leading up to the death. Then once that finishes you get the big picture, the actual moment of death in frozen tableau. One of the most impressive things about this game for me is the way it sets your expectations for what the game will throw at you and then continually makes you re-assess what in the actual fuck is happening.

Once having viewed the scene you are asked to fill in notebook and describe who died and what killed them, and later what happened to the passengers who went missing off screen. Did they die? Did they escape? You don't have the answer spelled out for you and have to make a lot of educated inferences to finish the game. While some games are easy and use puzzles to make you "feel" smart, this game feels both challenging and rewarding. I never got stuck and had to use a guide. Meticulous checking off of names and revisiting scenes with newfound context is the name of the game here. Really great stuff.

This game and Outer Wilds are two games that completely changed how I viewed what games could be. I can easily say I have never played anything quite like it. A must play.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land takes the franchise in a new direction. It's clear that Nintendo intended to follow the path of Super Mario Odyssey and create a unique 3D platformer.

When the game was revealed, I finally became interested in a Kirby game. I had played a few in the past, but they were always forgettable. Forgotten Land presented a new opportunity for me to connect with this iconic franchise.

Upon the game's reveal, I noticed some mechanics reminiscent of Mario Odyssey. They even adapted the classic Kirby power to possess enemies and now allow you to transform objects like cars. Although this mechanic is more fitting for Kirby, it reminded me of Mario Odyssey's Cap power.

The best part is seeing Kirby embark on a decent 3D adventure for the first time. It makes this game enjoyable for everyone, not just old fans and kids.

The game is everything it wanted to be, but to be honest, something was missing. I had a great time playing it, but it didn't live up to the level of fun I was expecting.

Even with that said, I can confidently say it's the best Kirby game I've ever played. It's a fantastic game, especially for kids and old fans.

3 lists liked by Snakebutnotsolid