Love the idea, but it becomes a drag to play after some time.

Can't believe I paid more for this shit than I did for all the Half-Life and Portal games combined

"Life is special because of these ordinary things we see everyday"

Just like the fairy tale, this game has a north and a south star of its own,
The south being the game's gorgeous art direction, its beautiful story about acceptance, the soundtrack and more. The north on the other hand being the game's underwhelming and tedious gameplay.
One clearly shines brighter than the other, but when they come together, you get something truly beautiful.

A Space for the Unbound is a beautiful story about accepting yourself for who you are, and learning to move on. The game also tackles serious themes like the survivor's guilt, parental abuse and more, which might make you think you think like it's going for way too much, considering its runtime. But you'll come out surprised with the amount of care, innocence(especially innocence) and warmth it handles all these explicit themes with. The same can be said about the game's art style. The amount of detail in every single part of the beautiful Indonesia-based town is just mindblowing. All the characters in it have their own unique personalities, and even the less-important ones, and even the unimportant NPCs are just so lively, making the town it takes place in invite you to explore it. And last but not the least, the soundtrack and the occasionally-fun mini-games are always there to make you feel good.

But despite all of my praises, the game certainly isn't perfect. The "gameplay" is just a vehicle for its amazing story, and can be really frustrating at times. The slow walking-speed of the main character adds even more to that problem, and these problems might be a dealbreaker for a lot of people. This is an exploration game, but there's no sense of mystery at any point. Answers to all your riddles will be there somewhere nearby, which makes this feel very scripted. The same goes for the action sequences in it which are very underwhelming. The only gameplay mechanic I was fond of were when you're supposed to dodge the falling furniture, which wasn't even that complex of a mechanic.

If I had to nitpick, there are problems I can come up with for the story as well, but just like I said this before, the overall package is so heartwarming that the negatives just don't matter to me. This is easily one of the best video-game stories I've ever experienced, and the way the story is told is just wonderful, and will leave you with both tears and a big smile on your face by the end.

So yeah that's it. I'm gonna end this by saying that I was going to give it β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…, but there are a lot of cats in here, so.......

Went incredibly hard. I've been playing a lot of puzzle games lately, and this is probably the most fun and well-designed one I've played so far. I'd be lying if I said that I was stoked to get on it, because the gameplay just didn't seem fun whatsoever, but surprise surprise it's really REALLY freaking good. Even putting the gameplay aside, this game is just such a vibe dude. All the characters, the bar, everything just oozes so much style, and the nightmare designs were genuinely kinda scary(a few aside). So yeah, love itπŸ‘Œ.

Also I'll check out Full Body as soon as I can.

It's very easy to impress me with games similar to GRIS and JOURNEY, but I just wasn't a fan of this one. This has way more gameplay than the game it took all of its inspiration from, but sadly most of it feels extremely dull. The "lore" and the atmosphere didn't do much for me either, and while it was never frustrating to play, I felt absolutely nothing at all while playing this. But despite all of this, I do think that the team that worked on this has the potential to drop an absolute banger and I would love to see a new, polished game from them that's similar to AER.

I take back everything I said before. This went super-duper dummy HARD. So fucking good holy shit.

Yeah man this game is just phenomenal. I do think that nostalgia has a role to play in this rating, taking this in mind that this game has a VERY limited amount of combos, but i still can't help but love it. Everything from the perfect gameplay speed, the X-Rays, the phenomenal art direction, everything about this is just what I want from a Mortal Kombat game. The fatalities are mostly very simple(sometimes just 3-move ones), but they're just so damn fun to look at. Even stuff like the over-the-top gore and blood effects that make the characters look absolutely fucked up during the fight, the cheesy dialogues, the ridiculous outfits of the characters(mainly the ladies), everything about this SCREAMS "bad taste", but that's literally what Mortal Kombat has always been(imo at least).

I love that this game proudly embraces its weirdness, compared to X and 11(haven't played 11 but I know the whole story) which I feel have been more about the special forces than they've been about the mystical world of this universe(aka boring as fuck)...... and I think 9 has the best story out of the three NRS games(X being the close second). It took the best things about its predecessors and added more to make what I(still) consider to be the best MK game ever made. Onto X now.

The GBA held this game back a lot as there are barely any controls in here, and the fact that this is from the 3D era made things even worse for it. But I don't know what to say about this man, I kinda had fun with it lol. Checking how to do a fatality from one of those pages on Google, to the art style, all of this took me back to my childhood. Short and simple enough to get me to play for a couple of hours with all the characters. So yeah, pretty cool game.

Absolutely god awful controls. So fucking bad it literally made me cry a few times.

Return of the Obra Dinn is just phenomenal and I can't believe that I'm saying this because I dropped this game twice last year, but then I don't know what happened but I ended up picking it back up again from the beginning and ended up getting (probably) the most immersive gaming experience I've ever had.

I feel that this is one of those games that truly defines what separates video games from other visual mediums thanks to, what I consider to be the best use of the video game medium ever. This game is basically a murder mystery where you go to a ship lost at sea to investigate what happened there, and if this sounds boring to you, just give the game 5 minutes to change your mind. The more you investigate, the more you learn about the tragedy. The story itself is a fantastic one, mainly because of its out of order presentation. One moment its just a simple murder mystery, and the other moment it's.... well I suggest you see for yourself.

But despite all of my praises, this game definitely isn't for everyone as it very much asks for all of your attention, and there's also a possibility that you'll lose track of all the information that you've collected at some point if you don't pay attention. The game demands you to keep the story you've uncovered thus far on your mind at all times. The game itself isn't all that long, and can be finished in less than 5 sittings(like me), but the fact remains that this isn't one of those games you should push yourself into finishing. Lastly, for all the "gameplay outweighs story" people, the story is the gameplay for Obra Dinn, so.....

1) Try not use a walkthrough. You're missing the whole point of the game if you're using one, and you're better off dropping the game if you're doing that. If you're completely lost, checkout one of those on google. Don't watch the youtube walkthroughs at all, you'll end up ruining your experience.
2) I think this is something that anyone who's trying to get into this should know: the game, despite being confusing as fuck is very linear. It subtly does do a lot of handholding. So yeah, for those like me who were scratching their heads all the time in the first 1-2 hours, I hope this was relieving to hear.

All that being said, Return of the Obra Dinn is an experience I'll definitely never forget. The absolutely gorgeous art style, the soundtrack, the story, everything about this game is perfect. Definitely the best game I've played all year(so far).

This one's hard to review because on one hand, you have what I consider to be a glimpse of what Mario Odyssey 2(or whatever they're going to name it) would be like, which is so damn good that it unironically felt just as good if not better than all of Odyssey. And on the other hand, you have a..... decent 3D Mario game that definitely has the heart and soul that I saw in Odyssey, but sadly happens to be one of the most uninviting experiences I've had in quite some time thanks to its tedious level design.

Bowser's Fury:
As I said before, this game fucking RULES. The bar set-up by Odyssey was already insanely high, and somehow, this 3 hours long game managed to IMPROVE upon the already near-perfect Odyssey's level design. Cappy has become my favourite game mechanic since I finished Odyssey and Bowser's Fury managed to impress me without it.
Overall, Bowser's Fury feels like a wonderful blend of the best aspects of 3D World and odyssey, which also improves upon them.

3D World:
I genuinely don't have much to say about this. I appreciate the high number of levels, but at some point it became a chore to play through them. The boss fights in this game are phenomenal, but it's everything in the middle of em that keeps it away from being a good game for me. It started feeling like a mobile game where there definitely is a lot of content, which is sadly very repetitive.

As for the rating, I don't think it makes sense to rate this as a whole, so I've rated their standalones separately on their pages.

This game made me better at first-person shooters

This has to be the most fun to control game I've ever played. It's astounding just how every kingdom doesn't just have a distinct personality of its own with barely any ideas recycled from the previous ones WHILE giving throwbacks from time to time to em, but is also so expansive and inviting. Every part of every kingdom has something unique to offer, and the characters within those kingdoms are very charming. The boss fights aren't all that hard(except for the last three) but the fantastic level design makes up for that.

It does have a few problems though. Some of the kingdoms don't have much to do in, like the Ruin kingdom, and every other kingdom that's there just for a single boss fight. I personally had a bad time in the Luncheon kingdom. The level design also drops in quality a little bit towards the end of the game. But these problems aside, this is a near-perfect game where the positives completely outmatch the negatives.


One of those games where you don't give up a single fuck about the story(you didn't understand the story whatsoever), but still manages to leave you completely awestruck and gets you emotional. Also, being the inspiration behind GRIS, my expectations were quite high for this game and I say for sure that it's far surpassed them.

Also, just in case you're planning on playing this, make sure to finish it in a single sitting. It's not even two 2 long.