This went from boring to what the actual fuck

Even though I have basically just started playing, I can already say that the design is absolutely stunning and it's amazing how much there's to explore

I haven't yet collected all the power moons, however, I have best the game and got the first ending. Probably one of the best Mario games together with Super Mario Galaxy. It's great how the game gives you the opportunity to travel around whenever you like and to explore each kingdom. I absolutely loved every second of it.


Even when completed the 10 runs and gotten the first ending theres so much more to do. It's amazing how every run is unique in its way and is different from any of the previous. its truly amazing how much detail and work has been put in each of the characters. The soundtrack of the game is also top tier and fits perfectly with tha visuals as well as the storyline. I barely jurt finished Hades and I'm already incredibly excited for the coming game.

Everything from the music to story to gameplay was perfect and so much fun to play. The game keeps you motivated to keep going no matter how many times you fail. Anyways moral of the story : trans women can climb walls.

The companion cube broke my heart

Hands down my favorite game of all time. Also GLaDOS is such a mood honestly

I have mixed feelings about the game. On one side I detested daily life as in my opinion it was too long even though relevant to character development it could have been either shorter or more entertaining. Whereas deadly life kept me invested and I couldn't stop playing. However I ended up abandoning the game as I couldn't get through any more of the daily life.

what did I just witness? I'm so confused

Absolute perfection. Even after having completed the main quest of defeating Calamity Ganon, I can't wait to get into the side quests and explore even further. No matter how many hours I have spent on this masterpiece it only feels like I have played and experienced 30% of the whole thing.

I just started playing the game and from the very beginning of the game I can say that you get immersed into the experience and loose track of time. The game does an amazing job as making you feel as if you were really in Rapture. I absolutely love how there are a whole lot of crawl holes and places you can explore, and the game encourages you to do so by offering you rewards for doing so. It’s amazing how also every so called “level” or chapter if you will is so different from the last both design wise and gameplay. It really shows you all the perspectives of this underwater world. So far I have to give it a 9/10 just because as I’m not yet done with the game I have a lot of questions which I’m pretty sure will get answered soon enough.

This review contains spoilers

Art: 5/5
Gameplay: 2/5
Story: 5/5
The game starts with a charming Nordic vibe to it. One of the first things the game gets you to do is look for adorable baby gnomes. Then, the game changes out of nowhere and becomes dark, grim, and mildly disturbing. Even though the story was perfect and carefully connected to fierce Nordic fairytales, the gameplay is fundamental and not so tricky, which, on the one hand, can be enjoyable for almost everyone; however, at times, it can be tedious. I would have loved it if the boss fights would have been more challenging. Due to the simplicity of defeating bosses, the game does not leave you satisfied with your achievements. However, the game does have some grat puzzles for players.
Overall, it's an amazing game full of details, amazing music, and storytelling. I especially enjoyed how the game starts and ends in the same way, only changing the perspective of the sibling.