hattori fr and im being serious here. take the doggy door. i am not playing with you.

At a young age, Little Michael had very few aspirations, but he had one very big and important one. He wanted to be really cool, he didn't care how. He wanted to be cool so he could attract the attention of the opposite sex. Little Jeremiah however, lacked drive, vision and ability. So instead of doing something cool, he practiced not practicing his guitar for as long as possible. Then when he turned 8, he used his art degree (real) and his callous, well practiced hands to play the guitar.

The female of his dreams ultimately ended up reciprocating, then rejecting, then reciprocating with our hero Little Walter once again. This says a lot.

Advantages of the game: It has achieved maximal prowess in videogame storytelling and gameplay integrals. I often look back at my own life, think about all the times I did nothing and got everything I want, and then I think about how pathetic Little Earl is with his shitty art degree and fake hallucinated guitar. This game brings me a most great and earnest pleasure.

Disadvantages of the game: The dog speaks. I do not think it is funny or cute or adds anything to the game. Sorry.

not recommended.
should you play this? i can't answer that, but you can. have you ever thought about choking out a baby? do you feel like the futanari love-quest of your hearts innermost desires is just around the corner? are you ok? ok with all of it?

please shut the fuck up brain.

This is history in the made.
It's gone, it's been done, he's an egg (i think) and he runs kinda fast but not that fast but you could make him run pretty fast if you tried but i'm not sure. I have no perception of the gamefeel, escaping my grasp gamefeelty and constantly the egg.

strive discourse is like talking to an entire room of middle schoolers who were put on life support due to an accident at tiktok con 2021

the parts that go hard go so darn damn dang hard and the parts that don't go so hard go "what? whys it like that? why'd they do that? did they run out of time here?"

honestly super entertaining even when it's faltering because of just how generally weird it is. enjoyed it way more than i expected to.

if you were around and decided to play this game, like really dig into the mechanics, you had to be ready for the bare minimum for quality of life.
not just videogame qol features, but the quality of your own life.
that's right. without even regarding which game is stronger, playing a game you take seriously against a completely different game is so incredibly potent at frustrating that you will move to a sewer, set up a secret sewer base and jerk off all day every day in your sad dank little vacation home. sewer man. you'll also start writing insane backloggd reviews for a minimal audience and no tangible benefit, only a fleeting feeling of self importance. im built different though, and I'm better at puyo than all of you on this site. i don't write insane reviews.


this game is full of pretty things.
this game is full of pointless things.
this game delivers a powerful story.
this game delivers 80% of it's story and themes in less than an hour.
this game has a lot of content.
this game took me 30 hours.
this game has two halves, one of them is very cool.
this game has two halves, one of them is very boring.

two halves, just like omori
idk haven't played it

"i'm so boring :/" said the most exciting man you've ever met.

alright guys im gonna go get a snack

what if you really wanted one thing and you were allowed to have that thing and then you weren't allowed that thing but you could actually just have that thing forever all you had to do was

this don't be shin megami tensei, it be mid megami tensei. the music would convince you it's lit megami tensei tho, so they got that part right.

let me tell you all about love at first sight. that's right. konata. have you seen her with your eyes lately? i bet you have, you've seen her face plastered on some dirty e-girl twitter page where she sells her used panties for a killing. and i know what you did. you bought that pair of used panties and you had the night of your life, all by yourself alone in your dirty room. i actually don't care about that though. more importantly, i know what you did wrong.

you supported the bastardization of HER image. of konata's legacy. you let the whores take HER away from us. the 2000s otaku inside of you is crying, crying cartoonishly oversized tears with his face in a >~< shape at the thought of you betraying the only girl who understands you. the girl who made you feel whole. that classic, raw, unadulterated otaku culture free from the modern irony inflicted by highschool deflection and dissociation is coming back in full force, we will reclaim her image once and for all.

i do like tsukasa more though. im kinda just a sucker for girls who look really cute when they pout. idk. konata is definitely iconic but idk. idk man.

do the booby make you squeal with rage? do you eyeball squeeze back into head with satisfying crunch if you no have game oxytocin stimulate every 5 min? stay away baddies.......
but you know, this game same problems danganronpa, like stupid minigame you don't want play. there less stupid minigame this time, but still a silly! environment very pretty though, very good atmosphere of doing a miserable. thanks you for reading. i have not complete the game. it fun tho! me hate you. im inside of the chapter 3, you worm