The Kaito Files is a fun story expansion that falls only a bit flat due to some possible budget reasons? the story was really good in my opinion and way better than the Majima Saga from Kiwami 2 as it actually builds Kaito's character and explores some more of Judgment's world, the Antagonist is probably the most sinister yet and the final boss I don't want to spoil but it had me rolling on the floor with how insane it was

the combat is alright but definitely not as good as the main game considering how blatant some of the reused movesets are in the DLC. Bruiser and Tank are reworked versions of Brawler and Beast from Y0 albeit with a few new moves for Kaito, they're also absolutely broken. the bosses are fun outside of the secret boss who is a complete rehash of a boss fight from the main game but with a bigger health bar

side content is pretty bare though exploring for items was kinda fun but no side cases is kinda disappointing.

overall it's a fun DLC especially if you are a fan of Judgment but $30 is a lot for majority of people to ask for with 8 hours of content (how long it took me to 100% this DLC)

kinda cool fan service fighting game but the story mode bores me to fucking tears

This is my first time ever playing this game despite playing the first in 2014 and it becoming my all time favorite game ever made that I replay nearly every year. JSRF is a breath of fresh air in a way by not being exactly like the original in how it plays, it goes for a more open approach which at times is great fun and other times extremely tedious. the gameplay is more about going through open levels in a hub that leads 3 ways and you do the objectives of the story while there's side collectibles in it's street challenges and graffiti souls. some of these tasks can be pretty frustrating especially with some of the jank the game still has and some levels I kinda despised like the skyscraper district but I did end up loving a few levels like Chuo Street and Rokkaku-Dai Heights but overall the gameplay is fun but I prefer the arcadic approach of the original

Music and Art are top notch and depending on your tastes you may prefer it over the original. I prefer the original JSR Art and Music but JSRF's Art and Music is extremely nice and some characters got a glow up like Yo-Yo who is my personal favorite character in this game

Story is basically like a soft reboot of the original and still corny, personally I prefer the "story" of the original game as the segments meshed more well together in that game in my opinion than this one.

overall JSRF is worth your time if you enjoy anything skating or anything Jet Set Radio despite some of it's shortcomings, my personal score may change depending on the 100% of the game which I'm doing right now and I enjoyed getting jet ranking on skydinosaurian square.

edit: I honestly really enjoyed 100% completion and it did up the score for me, while the golden rhino graffiti is a bit tedious the test runs are extremely fun

You don't know how many cereal bowls I've won in this game, move over bitch belicheck there's a new dynasty in town.

This game is pretty much an almost perfect sequel. it irons out all the kinks of the original game and ends up being pretty much the greatest gangster simulator ever, one thing I hated in the first was how grindy the side activities are but they're way more fun in this game and a lot less grindy. the gunplay,cars,customization and pretty much everything wipes the floor with the first game. the radio stations give late 2000's nostalgia and the world of stilwater is much more fleshed out in this game with more memorable gangs than the first personally for me, the characters in general are great imo. Pierce,Shaundi,Johnny Gat and Carlos are all great and seeing what happened to the Saints Row 1 characters is cool. easily one of the best open world games I've played

This is my first time going through the series seriously so I started with the first game. the story I think is pretty cool for what it is and has some great characters like Dex and Johnny Gat, the game has a lot of mid 2000's charm that's shown in it's setting and radio stations. the biggest problem with this game nowadays is easily it's gameplay because sometimes it's either piss easy or janky and frustrates you, the biggest drawback of this game is locking the main missions behind the respect bar which I can usually look past but the side content you do for the respect bar in this game is mostly pretty fucking bad. and the respect gain is so fucking slow but honestly I'm still glad I played through it and I can't wait to try Saints Row 2

it's a pretty cool little fighting game. I'm a novice at fighting games but I found this game pretty fun despite it's kinda simple mechanics but the counter system seems neat, and the story mode is what you'd expect. boobies are awesome tbh

Max Payne is a fun and gritty 3rd person shooter, I really enjoyed the cheesy comic book cutscenes for it's narrative and Payne's dialogue is pretty great. the Gameplay is a pretty fun 3rd person shooter which typically usually isn't my thing but the atmosphere,quick gunplay with the bullet time mechanic kept me going. for a game released in 2001 it's pretty ahead of it's time and this game paved the way for Remedy's other titles like Max Payne 2,Quantum Break and Control

Overall a solid game and a classic of it's era, I really cannot wait to try Max Payne 2.

The more I think about it, this game is probably easily one of my favorites of all time. I've replayed it usually every 2 years or so since I was exposed to it back in 2014 on my shitty laptop that ran it at 20 frames per second, and nearly everything about this game I can always remember fondly and always go back to it.

from the Hong Kong tunes on H-Klub Radio, to the Winston Wedding mission, the pork bun guy, the relationship Wei had with Jackie, Dogeyes (your sister suck my cock Wei!) and Big Smile Lee and just generally the fun shit like the easy and exploitable combat and Hong Kong itself. I really do hold this game dearly

My opinions on this game are still a bit similar after replaying it but most of what I did like stands. I think the story is good despite some corny plot threads, Ryuji Goda is great and there's just some generally good moments. my biggest issue just lies with how unrefined the dragon engine combat is in this game

Manhunt is a game I always wanted to play but never got to it and here we are. Manhunt is about playing as a criminal who was sentenced to death by lethal injection and his name is James Earl Cash, suddenly you awake and you're forced to partake within this snuff film directed by a sadistic freak who gets high off of gruesome immoral acts known as Director Lionel Starkweather. You're his star and you must gruesomely kill the men he has hired in this film to hunt you and you must kill as violently as you can to get rid of these sadistic killers hunting you, you are being hunted by people who are objectively immoral and even worse than you are. Neo Nazis,Pedophiles,Child Killers,Rapists and you name it, these people are all wanting to kill you gruesomely within this snuff film in Carcer City. the Director will even use your family as bait to give you an objective during one of his scenes, then the next scene no matter what you do he'll kill them off anyways because he is a sadistic freak

The Gameplay of Manhunt is incredibly fun and satisfying. while the Gore and Executions seem unsettling, it's rewarding and satisfying to pull them off and even though you won't relate to Cash's cold and calm nature of pulling these executions off, you won't feel bad about executing these sick people you're being actively hunted by. the game is best during it's stealth sections where you have to calmly get by and carry out executions, but the game gets heavy in gunplay within the last 6-7 levels of the game. which make sense in the narrative perspective as you aren't being setup in the snuff film you survived but surviving being hunted by the police and trained killers Starkweather hired to neutralize you, the final scene is incredible and the atmosphere and ambience in the final boss is amazing.

The Music and Atmosphere of this game is incredible. the ambience you feel within the music and sfx can make the player chill, it reminds me of John Carpenter's Halloween with it's music. while the Atmosphere and Setting is perfect with the snuff film grain throughout the entire game and every scene being shown with a camcorder

My biggest flaw with this game is just some of the jank within rockstar's old engine and how the gunplay can get a bit frustrating and carried away near the end of the game.

Overall Manhunt is a near Masterpiece for me that almost barely misses the mark due to some outdated game design flaws. Manhunt is close to being a near perfect example of something that could only be done in a Video Game

Easily one of the best games in the series, the combat is great, the soundtrack is stellar and the origin story for Kiryu and Majima is great. my only gripes with this game are things such as I don't care for much of the characters that haven't already been established in the series in this title, and in Kiryu's section the bosses are pretty underwhelming

I know a lot of people give it shit for it's combat but it's genuinely one of my favorites in the series. Okinawa is fun and a great setting, Kiryu opening up his own orphanage is comfy, Rikiya is the best bro of the series discounting Kaito from Judgment, Fly is the best opening theme of the series barring Judgment and Lost Judgment's openings and the Antagonist is great. the plot can get pretty corny, especially with twists and a few comical characters but honestly that's what makes it a great and fun experience.

Psychonauts 2 is probably one of the best and most faithful sequels I've seen in a while, I don't think it's a perfect game but it perfectly compliments the appeal of the original and the game has some of the most fantastic art and level design I've seen in a 3D platformer. my only gripes with the game are minor things like a few retcons and just the fact I'm not HUGE into platformers even though I like them, but Psychonauts 2 is one of the best games I've played in a while and easily worth your time if you're a fan of the original game or just want a brand new 3D platformer to play

I don't know if I like the story better than the first Judgment, but I thought the story was pretty good and had one of the best villains in the series easily ranking up there to Judgment,Yakuza 7 and Yakuza 3's antagonist for me. the gameplay however is the best out of the entire series, as so much content was added and the amount of activities is more than any of the other games. with even new additions like skateboarding (which you can use to traverse the world faster as well),boxing and even bike racing, and the combat is the most refined it's ever been as each fighting style Yagami uses is extremely fun and each has it's own use. you'll be constantly switching fighting styles often, they also added a new fighting style called Snake that is similar to Tanimura's fighting style from Yakuza 4 but this fighting style is way more fun to use and the parrying mechanic is more refined. overall it's one of the best games Ryu Ga Gotoku studio has made and if you're a fan of the series it's easily worth your time