After finishing this game I can say that this is one of my favorite stories and general characters from Atlus. I think for the most part Vincent while a douche is a very enjoyable character and making him grow as you see fit is nice, and characters like Jonny,Orlando and Tobias are a realistic and enjoyable group of friends for him. as someone who is a novice at puzzle games I still found this game pretty fun and I got the hang of at the latter part of the game. it's a fun game and you should play it if you enjoy other Atlus games

I've played and beaten the original nocturne before and I just beat Nocturne HD. while Nocturne is an amazing game this is just a genuine meh remaster

the game is a 5/5 for me but I'm putting it like this due to the remaster, the remaster also has poor performance issues even when it's locked at 30 frames per second. also you can't even play in true 4k on the pc version of the game, the best part though is that they changed skill inheritance so it's like IV and IV Apocalypse. it IS the best version of the game but I expected more for $50

A great survival horror experience, it's a lot like classic RE but with modern gameplay and it's a pretty fun experience. the setting and the bakers are great but I think the last few parts of the game doesn't come close to the baker family sections but overall it's a pretty great entry and I highly reccomend it.

it's still a masterpiece that holds up to this day with great simplistic charm and is one of the most important video games to ever be created. the music,characters,dungeons and general action are extremely memorable and it paved the way for the future of video games, all the dungeons were enjoyable especially in the 3DS remake and hold up well. if you haven't played this one then you should as it's one of the most important games ever made

I enjoyed my time a lot with the game and it's a great sequel to RE7, I think some sections in the game shine and others are kinda meh.... but I enjoyed the action segments when they were fun and some of the tension in the game is some of the best in the series. I think my opinions will change more once I give it the replay eventually like all RE titles, if you're a fan of the series you'll definitely like this game

It's an extremely fun title that doesn't take itself seriously at all and has while dated an extremely fun world to cause rampage in, Postal-Dude has cheesy lines and gets into absurd situations but that's what makes him incredibly likable. it definitely is a product of it's time but it's a fun one to just casually play and enjoy, while others may not enjoy it if they're looking for a serious title. it's in general one of the most fun sandboxes of it's time

I gotta say I absolutely loved this game and I don't know if I prefer this or Yakuza 7. I think Detective Yagami was an amazing protagonist and the world was built well in this game, and it easily had my favorite story in the series. the dragon engine combat here is actually pretty excellent and the worst part of the gameplay is the tailing missions, overall it's probably now in my top 3 for ryu ga gotoku studio games and I highly recommend it if you loved the Yakuza series.

while the gameplay was average. the environments,story and characters of this game are simply incredible. the relationship between siblings is shown very well as someone who has only one sibling, I found this game's story to resonate with me way more than automata. and getting that final ending was definitely worth it, if you loved Automata you will love this game.

while for me the shonen anime type of plot was okay. the environments and design just like XC1 are pretty nice and unlike XC1 I enjoyed the combat because of the layer with blades and blade combos. it made me think about my setup much more than I ever did with xc1, I think some chapters in the game are slow but others do get you engaged. and the music is pretty kick-ass, it's a good game and I'd advise anyone who enjoyed XC1 to play this one because it plays a lot on what the series is known for and improves the gameplay

this is just a review of my personal thoughts and nothing else and will be reedited once I finish the game someday. I got at least halfway through the game to the high entia arc of the game, while the environments and character designs were great. I found the story to be decently enjoyable with enjoyable characters like Reyn, but nothing amazing like everyone has said at least so far. it's a lot like a shonen anime in my personal opinion which isn't bad at all but that's how I thought of it, the gameplay is extremely mediocre and feels like it has lack of any depth as you can power your way through encounters without much thought usually. and it probably has some of the worst side quests in any video game (XC2 is criminal of this too) but it is a good game. I will probably pick it up again someday whenever I have the time

Persona 3 FES is a good game. there are many things about this game I enjoy but also a good amount I dislike. the combat is enjoyable and brings back some core elements from megaten games, while the tactics system takes a bit to get used to it just felt like party control with extra steps. the fusion system is the same as nocturne which is great and the only downside is that just like nocturne you can't inherit skills, the biggest downside of the gameplay is how tedious tartarus is and how it punishes the player for wanting to grind and fuse personas through the condition system which is at it's worst at the beginning of the game, and the full moon bosses are a complete pushover compared to the ones in tartarus. the story,setting and main characters are good but the first half of the game is severely lacking while the second half of the game is some of the best in the megaten series, I do think people hype up this games story way more than they should when they compare it to Persona 4 and Persona 5 which came afterwards because I think Persona 3 was a stepping stone to a lot of that. but I do think the game's narrative is an enjoyable experience and has a great second half, the soundtrack of the game is pretty good and I enjoy lotus juices corny lyrics and voice, the atmosphere of the game is pretty great and has this sense of things falling apart but at the same time you kinda have hope.

overall it's an enjoyable game and a good megaten experience, to some it might be even better but personally gameplay wise it is my least favorite of the games since the ps2 era but that really is saying a lot cause the combat is still enjoyable.

I absolutely loved this game. I still prefer SMT IV and P4G maybe due to bias, but I loved my experience playing through this game and it probably had my favorite bosses in the series. you play as a high school student living in Tokyo where you're one of the last of the surviving world during "the conception" through 4 other characters you find your reason to shape this new world. while the story was minimalist I enjoyed it a lot and the atmosphere of tokyo really showed how stranded the world felt after going through the conception, and some of the atmosphere makes you feel like you're a lonely man on a mission to find your reason. the gameplay is easily the best part as it introduced the press turn system which is my favorite combat system in an rpg, it's insanely fun to negotiate and fuse demons in this system and experience the buff/debuff fast paced combat the press turn allows for. the dungeons aren't the greatest and do have some evil design in them but the combat keeps you engaged throughout the dungeons so you don't notice it too much, and the soundtrack of this game is very good despite being weird and distorted like at times. plus that guitar riff really nails during the normal battle theme

overall I'd say it's one of my favorite games on the Playstation 2. easily became one of my favorite rpgs of all time and possibly one of my favorite games of all time

gonna give my thoughts on Shin Megami Tensei IV after completing it and having it be my first mainline Shin Megami Tensei game which Persona is a spin off of, it probably has the best combat system in any RPG I've ever played. press turn is rewarding yet incredibly fun while enemies can also exploit the same battle system on you, you can do the exact same thing to them in return. it's rewarding to build a team of demons through negotiations and fusions to exploit the weaknesses and get more press turns to either exploit it more or buff/debuff yourself or the enemy. but like I said enemy demons can do this exact same thing to you so you have to be careful, as if you or the enemy demon uses an element and it repels,drains or even resists they can lose a turn or their entire turn. I will say the beginning of the game is easily the most challenging and brutal while the end game you're overpowered enough to take on anything and have the best buffs/debuffs in the game.
story wise the game really makes you think about your ideology in the world of Shin Megami Tensei IV with the routes of Law,Chaos and Neutral. do you want to preserve peace entirely yet allow no free will? or do you want to open up freedom entirely and allow a dog eat dog world. or do you want to temporarily contain both peace and freedom
I personally chose Neutral because apparently it's canon and I also thought it aligned more with me and you get more boss fights considering you fight both ---- and ----- at the end of the game.
I thought it was genuinely fantastic and I can't wait to play more of this series

I've rewritten this because I don't think I gave the game justice before. it's an aged and stylish arcadic styled game that has high replay value, if you're turned off by that sort of thing you may not enjoy the game that much but. it has some of the best replayability I've seen in a game with it's score system and overall mastery of the controls, a lot of people think the controls aged horribly but I think they control pretty tight and once you master it the game is incredible. it's my personal favorite game of all time due to the Style,Music and mostly the Gameplay