Completed half of the main game and abandoned it, online option is not enjoyable half the time as 30% of the gta online playerbase are modders. main game is decent though.

very nice game, its a very cool idea and is well exacuted, only problem is, why add a battle pass to this game?

Simple, calm and has no objective, just is a nice and relaxing game

Really confused my brain at times, overall an amazing puzzle game and can be lost of fun, but there is a possible existential crisis at the end of the game so yeah, amazing game overall

Im sure it would be a fun game to play, but im just a skill issue and have a potato pc so i cant run it 1080p 60fps so yeah, big sad

the mixture and variety of characters makes the game very fun to play and try to progress in, unless your a skill issue, then its not fun, but if you are NOT a skill issue, you can have quite a blast trying out and getting good with multiple characters

i could play it more and put time into it and acctulay have more fun, but no. im too lazy to give it a chance, im sure its good, but im lazy.

good game, im just really bad at it, unless your not a skill issue, you will get destoyed

finished the game at its hardest difficulty, i appreciated how much more difficult it is compared to other games to complete but it made me probably one of the most proud times ive felt been once i finished the game

very fun game while it lasts, if your a bit skilled, you will finish the game quite quickly and probably wont touch the game again, it has pretty much no replayability

Finished the game, it was very fun, its just unlike other games where once you finish the game, there is still something to do, but there is absolutely nothing to do at all, not even collectables which is a bid sad

Probably my most nostalgic and fun games ive ever played, ive played it from many platforms such as the 360, ps4 and pc, no matter where i play it on its still the same, amazing and fun experience

one of my favroute games, updates are becoming a bit bad right now though due to ea milking their playerbase of their money but besides that is still a fun game to play

simple and fun, endless oppertunities of games, most are bad but some hit the sweet spot

very fun, started in 2018 and still playing today, many memories till today, great game just a bit too many sweats for my liking at times