As a kid I thought the dude said "He's the bippity one, Bumble" So Buck Bumble will always be the bippity one to me.

My sister and I played the fucking shit out of the 2 player soccer mode even though I'm pretty sure it's a gag feature because the controls are terrible.

Hey you. Play this fucking video game.

Don't look at any plot synopsis. Just buy it and play it. You will not regret it.

Playing the fan translation on Duckstation in 4k resolution is the ideal experience. It's truly a fun, innovative game that is a must play if you care at all about racing or Playstation 1 era games.

What if the Final Fantasy 7 team made a car based RPG inspired by Initial D? This is your answer. Neon skylines, 90's anime cool guys racing to be the best of the best. Absolutely phenomenal soundtrack pumping while you fight for your life in the streets -- grinding for better parts and cars like a maniac. It's simply bliss.

This is one of the most unique experiences in gaming. From developers who were creatively on fire, in a time where gaming was highly exploratory and experimental in approach and execution of ideas. Racing Lagoon is the ideal "caRPG" that hasn't been surpassed.

This has to be one of the most obscure games to be released on a console. There is hardly any footage of this game on the internet; and I could have sworn I hallucinated this game's existence because the game looks like a feverish hallucination.

I can't add pictures on Backloggd, so I want you to conceptualize a cel-shaded, 3D Bugs Bunny model -- and consider the model like the nucleus of a cell. Upon proper magnification of microscope it's quite easy to see that it's central to the image the eye projects to your brain. Now consider the game's quarter-assed attempt to border the cel-shaded model as the ectoplasm to the nucleus. The mind struggles to visually grasp the ectoplasm seemingly random movements around the surface around the defined nucleus, as if the bordering's intent was obfuscation of conceptualizing the character model as a whole. That's how much the cel-shading bothers me and if the cel-shading was a guy I would slash his tires and steal the radio out of his car.

Every several years or so i unearth this game a box and go "what the FUCK is this?" and then remember that I've owned a copy of this game for 20 years, I remember every previous time I've unearthed the game and questioned it's existence only in that moment that I unearth the game. Dooming myself to a cycle of perpetual mystery that I keep myself from solving. As if no one is allowed to have concrete memory of LOONS and their fight for fame.

Oh, the game sucks by the way.

It's been like 10 years and this still the best way to enjoy a majority of the series in an official capacity. On a console two generations removed.

At least it's got a lil art booklet

Watching children get murdered on-screen at a Toys R Us game demo kiosk in 2002 impressed upon my young mind that this game rules.

If this game had better netcode, we would be talking about one of the greatest competitive games ever made.

I own this on every system that can run it. I can't stop playing it.

Upon release, people lamented that the N64 multiplayer modes were better than this version. They were right, but this game's multiplayer was really good too. I can't wait for Insignia to revive the multiplayer of this game. It deserves to be played.

Apparently, you can play this on Xbox Series consoles. It's worth the $10 bucks to experience a good port of a great game.

Or pirate it. I don't give a fuck.

Completely blown away by how solid of a game this is.

From it's reveal trailer, Evil West wore it's heart on it's sleeve as a straight up third person shooter taking inspiration from seventh-gen console titles like Gears of War where you play as a cowboy beating the shit out of evil creatures. It is as simple as that. It does what it sets out to do very well.

That said, I totally get why people say this is a shallow experience. It looks and feels like a 4K rerelease of an Xbox 360 game that never existed until now. Evil West is just a game where if you look at the trailer and if you feel nothing for it at all, there will be nothing for you if you play it.

I would hope whether or not this is your jam that there's an appreciation for it's up-front honesty. Especially because this is one the best optimized games to come out on PC this year and isn't overly long. It's here for a good time, not a long one.

I am chomping a the bit for more from this developer because they seem to have a grasp on making shit that looks cool, runs immaculately, and isn't demanding too much of the player other than to enjoy this videogame ass videogame.

This game has good Gen 1 Pokemon vibes. Vibrant colors, a sweet 90's slice-of-life anime soundtrack, and an adorable chubby Pikachu that will ignore the FUCK out of you.

Back in the day, this game was a big deal not just because of Pokemon's explosion as a pop cultural icon, but because this game had a microphone you TALK to goddamn PIKACHU with. Most kids didn't give a shit Pikachu wouldn't listen to them. It was awesome that Pikachu would do Thunder after you asked him for the 17th time. It was the closest thing to interacting with a Pokemon in real life you could get.

Each day you explore a handful of different areas with Pikachu doing small variations of various tasks. Filling out your Pokedex by having Pikachu interact with Pokemon out in the wild, collecting items to put in your room for Pikachu to throw when he's pissed, and generally hanging out with Pikachu like he's your best friend.

Seeing that small, deaf motherfucker do cute shit still kind of hits. Just when you think you're ready to commit die asking him repeatedly to pick up a leek in the forest so we can make soup. He will eventually do it and make Squirtle happy and then he'll turn to you, close his eyes, tilt his head to the side and smile that billion dollar smile. It almost makes it worth the burst blood vessels from screaming in frustrated agony.

I do think this idea has legs if Nintendo ever wanted to try this again as like a phone app or something. I'd also be curious if this game emulates well with a USB microphone. If you know anything about that hit me up in the comments.

Despite me being a certified freak who enjoyed the old visuals more, I'm happy the new visuals have opened up interest to one of the most rich gaming experiences created by a human being.

If I had to play one game for the rest of my life, it might be Dwarf Fortress due to it being dizzying in it's mechanical richness. Every run will be so wildly different from one another due it's randomly generated values that you might feel as though you are playing a different game. One run you might be waging war with the goblins and mining resources and going through the motions. Another you and the goblins have formed a treaty and are now punching birds together and taking the dead birds to a wizard who will turn it undead and then you use said undead birds to go fuck with the elves because fuck the elves.

I can see myself playing Dwarf Fortress on-and-off for the rest of my life. That's the highest praise I could possibly give a game.

The Korg games on Nintendo systems are like the best kept secrets. There's at least one on every Nintendo handheld since the DS (including the Switch) that really give you a suite of features to play with. The Korg DS-10 is the simplest of these releases, but do not discount it because this is a full fledged synthesizer.

This one is my favorite DS experiences due to it's simplicity, yet complex it's enough to create cool patterns that you can plug into a DAW or what have you via AUX cable and do with it as you please. Extremely fucking cool.

I have a physical copy of this for fun, but I encourage anyone who can emulate DS games on a touch pad of some kind to check this out. It's novelty only in the screen size of the systems you work with.

As a lifelong Animal Crossing fan, I have to say this is the most boring game I have ever played. It's not like an infuriating boring to me, it's more like staring at the screen long enough will send me into a trance where I will do anything to not think about or interact with the game. It should be classified as torture.

The mini games in New Leaf were more fully fleshed out and had better utilization of the Amiibos than this whole game designed around buying and using them.

This is a cute scam and a waste of everyone's time.