This game had the budget of a Burger King meal. I liked certain aspects of the combat, but design wise this game was a huge mess. I cannot believe how much they repurposed the Triple Threat Triad in this game like holy shit. It's fine, but tedious.

Probably RGG's best game in the dragon engine. The combat is really refined and smooth, as well as having a great pace for its story/exploration. I really like the story as well, and while 1 particular scene I don't like, it does very well as a sequel to Judgment. Really felt like they went all out for the last game with Nagoshi and most of the crew.

Pretty damn fantastic! While the gameplay could have been refined, the story, characters, and narrative were fantastic. I loved the difference choices and how it affected the story, and the acting was great!

It's Persona 5, AGAIN!
But this time you're paying full price again for an extra dungeon!

Yep people actually said this was worth the full $60. A balance patch and extra expansion. Very cool.

While my opinion on this game gets worse over time, it's a fine enough Atlus game. I say it has the best gameplay/loop, but still I don't care for it anymore

While this was a great improvement over the original, it came out too late at the wrong time. I mean I haven't even finished it cause I got busy with other games and responsibilities.

Did you know I used to play ths game in public in class I was a horny mf when I got out of high school.

Open Catherine, and please tell me what even happened in The Silver Case!?

What the fuck even happened in this game 2 :Desperate Struggle

What the fuck even happened in this game

I would have stayed by Shinobu the entire game if I had the ability to.

When Shinobu showed up in her outfit I really wish she was real.

I still had a crush on Shinobu but don't like her outfit here.

I had a crush on Shinobu