One of the best games ever made and one of the firsts that managed to make me cry. Ending E really is something...

Really good. It delivers exactly what it promises. Although I would like a bit more choice in paths when replaying the game.

Did not play as * yet. Will someday.

One of the best games ever made. Jordan Mechner is truly an artist.

Did not play Hardcore cuz couldn't use super suit

So, after Nier A and R I had to. Right?

I can't even... This was torture...

And yet... The story just... MADE me play it... I really don't even. Okay? The game is easily a -5, so don't ask me why I gave it a 3, I guess the story? But it's so confusing how it works... I guess I have Stockholm's...

Gave me the best feeling I have ever felt. After suffering for hours, missing the peaceful friendliness of Firelink Shrine, I see this elevator that looks so useless, like, why an elevator in a cathedral? What? But wow, going down that elevator... I have been after this feeling every single day since.

Yeah, not as good as SoT, but still, prety good, and way better than WW. It tries to go back to PoP roots but should try harder to distance itself from WW honestly.

Best racing game ever made, don't @ me.

One of the best games ever played. The lore is so interesting, the gameplay is amazing, it got me excited to play Alan Wake and now I am just waiting for AW2

WOW, just WOW. I love this game. Replay it literally every year cuz I can't keep myself away from it. Will always despise Capcom for making it a PSP exclusive so it wouldn't sell and never get sequels...

After finishing Nier Automata I was curious, but the PS3 version was... You know... So when this was announced I was so happy. I really enjoyed it, the story is perfect and the gameplay is sooo clean, this is a remaster, but it's done a better job at breathing life into an old game than most remakes...

Great game. Played it on release, not as much glitches as everyone says. AWESOME AC, too bad it was the last one lol.