Really enjoyed this one A LOT! It's a change of perspective for a tactical RPG...and it uses time-travel as part of its rogue-like narrative!

Similar to stuff like Ocarina Of Time, it's definitely an impressive game for its time. That being said, there are some gameplay portions, such as the mini-games, that I found frustrating. Hasn't really aged all that well.

Story was wacky and fun, though!

Took me years to finally get through this game. I definitely thought the idea was great for its time, but the difficulty unbalance of missions and mini-games show the game's age.
If I had to give some pros, it'd be the soundtrack and dialogue.

Like a Scorsese film. It's really lengthy, but you really get attached to the story and characters. Beautifully-crafted open-world design, too!

Definitely not a perfect game, but I was REALLY surprised by it. The 50 hours of length is a curse for its exhaustive missions, but a blessing for this incredible journey of Arthur and his loyalty to Dutch's gang. Satisfying and beautiful!

One of the more frustrating SIE games I've played. On one hand, you've got a really unique world with gorgeous visuals. On the other, a flawed gameplay system and a weirdly-structured storyline.
(Seriously. Some of these chapters are just 10-minute cutscenes.)

"What will become of us now, at the end of time? We'll be fine, you and I..."

I was introduced to Kojima's work back in 2014 when I played through the Metal Gear saga for the first time ever, and immediately fell in love with this man's work. While some of the games in the saga didn't hit as well as others, Hideo Kojima is absolutely a film, music, and video game nerd at heart. After leaving Konami and announcing his new story of Death Stranding, I was ecstatic to see Kojima return to a non-Metal Gear title since Zone of the Enders and Policenauts. This game is a rare example of the final product actually overexceeding my hype.

Death Stranding is unlike anything I have ever experienced within the medium. It tells the story of Sam Porter Bridges, a deliveryman with DOOMS, an ability to sense supernatural beings inhabiting this post-apocalyptic world. From a distance, it's a simple story about restoring the world after a major catastrophe and ultimately preventing something bad from happening again. But when you dig deeper, this is a story about the deep emotions of what it takes to be a human being, as well as the connections we must make with each other in order for us to survive as one race. The great thing too is that, unlike Kojima's Metal Gear saga, this story is not complex or convoluted at all. The creative world that he envisioned with this story may intimidate some at first, but all the details are naturally fed to the viewer through dialogue and collectibles.
The performances are absolutely phenomenal all around, with a cast that includes Norman Reedus, Mads Mikkelsen, Lea Seydoux, Margaret Qualley, and others. And, of course, the use of the Decima engine makes this one of the most gorgeous games running on PS4 hardware. It's truly a cinematic experience that Kojima is known for...including long cutscenes.

As an actual video game, it is kinda tricky to review. Much like the Metal Gear saga pioneered the "stealth game" genre, Kojima set out to create Death Stranding under a new "strand game" genre. Needless to say, there really is no other game like this, so let me explain as best as I possibly can.
With the story involving making connections and restoring the world, the player travels across the various post-apocalyptic (and beautiful) landscapes in order to deliver packages. Along Sam's path, he must avoid lots of obstacles along the way, from the aggressive MULEs to the ghostly BTs, and prevent damaging the packages. The "strand" system comes into play, however, when the player expands the network coverage within the world, asynchronously linking their own game to those of other players. This, in turn, can allow the player to use structures and facilities that others have already built (as well as leave "likes" as a sign of acknowledgement). Again, nothing like this has every been done before in the medium, so I can't necessarily compare it to anything else. That being said, the "strand" system definitely helps immerse the player into the story and world being showcased, giving them a sense of making connections with others in what seems like an empty land. It just works!

This is a game that I will being thinking about time and time again. With its badass story and gameplay, I would even say this is Kojima's best work by far.
I'm glad that a game like Death Stranding exists. I believe this game is 100% accessible for those who love films and/or video games, and Hideo Kojima deserves to be acknowledged within the film community, as passionate he is about both mediums.

Absolutely blown away by the love and work that Media Molecule put into this. "Art's Dream" is a surprising melding of shooting, platforming, and adventure genres, with a heavy-hitting story ( numbers).
An endless masterclass of creativity that shows off the engine spectacularly!

As a whole package, whether you're playing or creating, Dreams is an innovative achievement! Even surpassing the likes of LittleBigPlanet and Tearaway, it's well worth your time and money. I hope to find the time to create some cool stuff for the community in the future, especially for VR.

What a damn good action game that was! It's got the combat of Gears Of War, the setting of Halo, and the overall style of Metal Gear. The gameplay loop is addicting, and even the boss fights are satisfying.

Definitely one of the better Platinum games.

Just like every other game from Media Molecule, it's a wholesome adventure about unleashing creativity.
Just like every other LittleBigPlanet game, it's a mediocre 2.5D platformer with only a few cool gimmicks.

But, hey. At least the graphics are nice.

Just like the first game, but even better! No time limits. Just strategic treasure hunting and team management. The gameplay here is a masterpiece, and this series is still full of charm!

This game is so bad that it's actually great! Granted its controls are a bit finicky, Mister Mosquito is a fun romp of mayhem (and challenge). The Yamada family is a ridiculous set of characters, too.

Definitely a unique PS2-era Japanese game!


Been playing this game since I was a kid, but never actually beat it until now.
Doom is challenging, but fun! Not the best 90s FPS I've played, but I can see its importance to the genre. The level design and music are where this game really shines!

Making my way through the Kirby series from the beginning, and I think this is my favorite so far.

It's not only a gorgeous NES platformer, but it takes some of the great things from the two Kirby's Dream Land games and perfects them. I loved it!

I'm not a fan of brick breakers, to be honest. While the story, unique abilities, and boss fights were great, the game falters in its difficulty spikes (when you control 4 paddles).
Good job from a small team, though! Gotta support the "Pride of Long Island"!

I'm all for Bethesda continuing the badass visual and audio designs introduced in 2016's Doom.
However, this game not only lacks the atmosphere of its predecessor, but its inclusion of platforming and overabundant fights causes dissonance in the gameplay flow. Challenging or not, Doom Eternal is a divisive sequel.

This just ain't it, id Software.

(Also, fuck the Marauder fights. That is all.)