Honestly just don't think I get it really. Thought the story was cool/interesting but the levels and combat I just couldn't get on with. Probably a me thing, because everyone says this is an absolute classic!

Pretty fun but as with all underrated multiplayer games it's difficult to find a lobby especially when you aren't in the US.

Incredible VR experience, this will be the benchmark for all VR games to come. The graphics are incredible, the story is fun and engaging, and the gameplay is perfectly crafted for all the strengths of VR. The game does not compromise on a lot. It's crazy to think that I may not have played this if I didn't get the valve index, as I would be hugely missing out on a brilliant masterpiece.

I'm probably in the minority here but I thought the combat and level design in general was a bit tedious, and overall I didn't really enjoy it that much, this being my first half life game. The story was great though.

Deeply thoughtful narrative adventure. Don't go into it with big expectations for gameplay, but make sure you're in a mood for a definitively post-modern and truely unique story.

The best narrative game ever made. If you like a good story, if you like "your choices matter", you will love this game.

The unfortunate pairing of the moment-to-moment gameplay of a platinum game mixed with the mind-numbing ducking and waiting around of a cover shooter. If they'd just made this a character action game it would have been so much better!

This is my favourite game. If you are considering buying it, just buy it. The full game isn't even out yet and I'd still 100% recommend it for the current price. It's just an extremely well made take on the FPS genre, unlike anything else, and I really really enjoy it.

In this game you can really feel the rhythm of the track, as the gameplay doesn't play to the strict beats but to the underlying beat that you can feel. Make sure to get to the end, as the final boss has a trick up its sleeve that really surprised me.

Boomer shooter before they were cool. Incredibly difficult polygonal roguelike with very fun movement mechanics. I think if you removed the acid from this game I would have won 75% more runs than I did.

Interesting take on an FPS game, personally I think the focus on the slo mo mechanic was not to my taste, but I can understand the appeal of a lot of the other stuff in the game.

Incredibly replayable roguelike where you can build up a massive array of items only to be one shot by a wisp on the same stage as last run. I'd recommend this to most people.

Frantic FPS game that is a feast for the eyes. I really appreciate the creative risk the game takes in that regard and in my opinion it pays off. This game gets you in the zone like no other.

Like portal 1, this game has great puzzle design, fantastic story and is often on sale for pretty cheap! I'd recommend this to anyone.

Classic puzzler with well designed puzzles with a well written story backing the whole thing up. I'd recommend this to anyone.