A weird but charming entry in the series. In the modern day I'd put it low in my ranking of Zelda games I'd actively recommend, but as a kid this was probably one of my favorite DS games.

I have a frankly ridiculous amount of time in this game.

An OK game, but simply unable to escape from the shadow of Link to the Past. The item system in this one gets a lot of praise, but I've honestly never understood the hype--it always felt strange that I didn't actually own my items. One of the odd ducks in the series, I think.

Among my deepest shames is that I spent over $100 on this terrible trilogy of games. Some of the maps in Conquest are OK? Everything else is just kind of the apotheosis of Awakening's worst excesses--map design ranging from gimmicky to a featureless field of enemies, a flimsy (at best) plot, bizarre character design, a metric ton of fanservice, the b a b y r e a l m s. Thank god they took a different tack after this.

I can't be too hard on Awakening, since it got me into the series, but man is this one rough in hindsight. Lot of very flat characters and a super RNG dependent battle system.

Terrible maps, god-tier presentation. Every other Fire Emblem game wishes it had this one's art direction.

A cute and funny game. It runs thin after a while, but what life simulation doesn't, y'know?

Not as unplayable as everyone says. Yes, 24fps is a lot to stomach, but it's still MGS3 under the graphical deprecation, so it's still a very good game at heart (and you don't have to put up with pressure-sensitive buttons, either.)

Somehow manages to make a game where someone gives a dramatic monologue about the "Super Baby Method" even sillier. Not as good as the original, but I still like some of the changes this one makes.

Given how much inspiration Metroid has historically taken from Alien, putting an unstoppable monster in the game (and thus managing to put stealth and horror elements in a 2D platformer) was a natural fit.

Still a pretty good game, but feels a little cramped and awkward. Has really good music though (the Metroid 1 escape theme is severely underrated IMO.)

I always felt like the Kalos games got an undeserved amount of hate. Admittedly, I'm a bit of a ouiaboo, so I'm a bit biased, but I think X/Y are solid Pretty Good as far as the series goes.

Pretty good remake, all things considered.

An OK game, but the thing that I think was best in the original Sun--the story--is just torn to shreds in this one. (Frankly, there was no good reason for Game Freak to still be doing second versions in 2016, but that's another discussion entirely.)

The first Pokémon game to really capture my imagination in years. The pacing absolutely leaves something to be desired, but in terms of telling a story within the world of Pokémon, I think it's unmatched within the series.