Becoming an alcoholic will allow you to tank so many bullets trust me

Fuck this game was awesome. You started off as just some dude and build your way up to becoming a goddamn legend. From the start I was invested in how they did the story, the special stats, skills, perks, etc. It was just so satisfying. Helping people felt good. Killing people felt good. It was all so awesome. The DLC were eh if im being honest, but the main story was awesome. So many choices, so much to do, huge map. The joy on my face when I got the power armor from the brotherhood, goddamn was it amazing. You feel like an unstoppable badass, but you don't always feel like it, you have to build up that feeling throughout the story and it peaks at the end. There are so many choices in this game and im afraid if I play any other Fallout, it won't be the same. The only bad things about this game is that the graphics don't hold up, which I could care less about, but the main thing stopping it from becoming a perfect 10/10 score is that you need mods for this thing to be fun. I needed a mod to enable running, a basic function in all games, I needed multiple plugins just to stop crashing, and so many other bugs. I also felt like the game wasn't much of a challenge, and they should have had more bosses like the giant robo scorpion. Otherwise this was one of the most fun games I've ever played.


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I think I will genuinely make a video essay on my channel about how much I love this game, but everything about the game is just so amazing. The intrigue and mystery at the start as to why there is a ghost at my door to the goofy place that is headspace, the music is immaculate, and so is the story. I will admit, the first half of the game was a bit slow, but I still loved every second of it. Being dropped into headspace after the horror portion of the first part was so jarring that it caught me off guard. The combat in headspace is amazing and I love all the headspace characters. Real life is also jarring because the next time you go back, pieces of the story start coming together. Sunny has locked himself in his house and hasn't left it for years, and we learn that from Kel, who also hasn't seen Sunny in years. We later find out its because Mari killed herself, which is an insane revelation. We learn that Aubrey has become a horrible person, Basil is also withdrawn and bullied, and Hero is away at college. This makes headspace so dark as Sunny still imagines himself with his friends and with Mari alive, trying to escape reality. As the game goes on, more and more pieces start to come together, and headspace gets wilder and wilder. Maybe I'll come back one day and make this review like 10x longer because its like 1 AM and my brain is fucked but the ending was absolutely beautiful. Sunny learns to accept reality and reconciles with everyone in real life. I sobbed to the final duet on my stream and it was beautiful.

I downloaded this game, started a new game, blinked, and it was already night.

Needs more content tho.

Along with Club Penguin, probably the best web based game ever released. Had so much fun with all the islands, the stories for each were captivating (Even if child me had to look up a walkthrough sometimes lol) and it was just a ton of fun. My favorite islands was the superhero island and the astro knights island. I played this at home and at school because it was the only game unblocked in the school library lol.

Played this ages ago. Even if the only two characters are you and GLaDOS, it still creates a captivating story and the comedy is on point. Puzzles are also very good. But the best part has to be the co-op mode. I remember playing through the co-op mode with my neighbor back then, and it was some of the most fun I have ever had.

I played through the entire game (minus the 4 hour long ending) on stream, and it was amazing. I got it for free on epic games. The comedy is extremely funny, and it feels like a valve game like portal, but its not. I love the narrator and played through every ending (again, minus the ending that takes 4 hours). I now understand why all my friends recommended it to me. There are so many different paths and all of them are hilarious. Its a simple concept thats executed beautifully.

This game was amazing. As someone who loves modern sonic games more than the old sonic games, playing classic sonic in this game didn't feel grueling or slow as I felt the older games were, and I loved the modern take on him.

Sonic generations is just an amazing game overall, with a very good story and I love the fact that classic Sonic doesn't talk but classic Tails does. All the levels are faithfully recreated for modern stages and vice versa. I love seeing classic sonic in modern stages and modern sonic in classic stages.

My favorite parts of the game are the boss fights. Shadow is a nice throwback to Sonic Adventure 2, and I love all the other boss fights like metal sonic, Silver, Egg Dragoon, and of course the final boss where we go super sonic. Its all a nice story with good gameplay and soundtrack to appease and unite both classic and modern sonic fans.

Pretty, so it gets 1 star, but combat sucks and story is boring.

Goat simulator but old people

Was never as good as Java edition because the updates were always delayed, but still nastolgic and basically the same game. Playing it on Xbox with friends hits different than playing it on PC with friends. Probably because whenever we played the Xbox 360 version it was usually in person and not over the internet.

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Story was amazing, loved how instead of being an assassin, you played as a templar that defected and loved how it made the assassin's to look like villians, because it gives both sides a reason for existing, as it used to be "Oh the templars are bad guys" now you don't really know who is good and who is bad, and thats mainly the point. Maybe there is no good and bad, maybe they are both bad, who knows. This is probably the best story in an assassin's creed game.

I also loved how they brought back ship combat from black flag, although I prefer the ship combat from black flag. Im sad I had to kill Adewale tho :(

Project: Playtime is very well made. It looks amazing, has fun gameplay on both sides, and its plenty of lore as it coincides with Poppy Playtime. This game has potential to rival games like Dead by Daylight. The only things holding it back are things like fps and optimization issues, bugs when joining matches, and lack of updates, if all of those are fixed, this could become one of the greatest multiplayer horror games in history.

Extremely nostalgic, probably one of the first few games I've played where different series' crossed over with each other. The voice acting was wonderful from Spongebob to Danny Phantom and I loved the platforming and combat. The mech sections also rocked and I loved how each character got a mech that was customized to look like them. There were so many characters and the story was pretty awesome.