It's really good, but I think I prefer Stick of Truth. I usually hate turn based combat, Stick of Truth made it so fun, while this game makes the combat a little annoying. I can't hit a dude right next to me because he isn't in my square and that pissed me the fuck off. The comedy was amazing, as expected from South Park and the story was pretty good too. I loved the return of the New Kid and am really hoping for another South Park game in this style.


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I think I will genuinely make a video essay on my channel about how much I love this game, but everything about the game is just so amazing. The intrigue and mystery at the start as to why there is a ghost at my door to the goofy place that is headspace, the music is immaculate, and so is the story. I will admit, the first half of the game was a bit slow, but I still loved every second of it. Being dropped into headspace after the horror portion of the first part was so jarring that it caught me off guard. The combat in headspace is amazing and I love all the headspace characters. Real life is also jarring because the next time you go back, pieces of the story start coming together. Sunny has locked himself in his house and hasn't left it for years, and we learn that from Kel, who also hasn't seen Sunny in years. We later find out its because Mari killed herself, which is an insane revelation. We learn that Aubrey has become a horrible person, Basil is also withdrawn and bullied, and Hero is away at college. This makes headspace so dark as Sunny still imagines himself with his friends and with Mari alive, trying to escape reality. As the game goes on, more and more pieces start to come together, and headspace gets wilder and wilder. Maybe I'll come back one day and make this review like 10x longer because its like 1 AM and my brain is fucked but the ending was absolutely beautiful. Sunny learns to accept reality and reconciles with everyone in real life. I sobbed to the final duet on my stream and it was beautiful.

Never before have I felt like such a badass in a video game, would be a perfect 5 stars if the graphics still held up.

Pretty, so it gets 1 star, but combat sucks and story is boring.

Gave me some serious Mario Galaxy vibes, and I loved that. From the start this game was amazing. The artstyle was fun and goofy, the characters, even if limited were charming and I loved all of them, and the gameplay was so fun and kept on changing. One level you are just hitting enemies and platforming, the next you are playing a literal horror game. The only problem I had with this game is sometimes the camera and movement would be a little jank and it caused me a lot of frustration but honestly I love this game so much that I can excuse it. Praying for a 2nd game.

Combat: Square, Square, Square, Square

Story was very good, as a person who has barely interacted with any Star Wars media, it was easy to follow, and it was fun at the same time. The flight combat in this is perfect, and more games need to follow it. Love the multiplayer, feels like you are actually in a war and its kinda fire as hell.

I downloaded this game, started a new game, blinked, and it was already night.

Needs more content tho.

I swear im looking over my shoulder every goddamn minute

Project: Playtime is very well made. It looks amazing, has fun gameplay on both sides, and its plenty of lore as it coincides with Poppy Playtime. This game has potential to rival games like Dead by Daylight. The only things holding it back are things like fps and optimization issues, bugs when joining matches, and lack of updates, if all of those are fixed, this could become one of the greatest multiplayer horror games in history.

Left 4 Dead 2 but with rats. Graphics are really good, but I don't understand the story at all, I guess I would have had to have played the first one, but yeah.

$20 for this is not worth it. I finished this game in like 2 hours. Atmosphere, visuals, audio, and train gameplay is cool, but the story, characters, npcs (both passive and aggressive), and Charles himself kinda suck.

• Charles has a scary design
• Voice acting aint too bad
• The game incentivizes you to use all your weapons
• Soundtrack is decent
• Audio is cool
• Atmosphere is spoopy
• Constantly needing scraps to upgrade and repair is unique
• Nice and unique train controls
• Cool that you can walk around the train and customize it
• Cool game for something made by one person

• Charles appears VERY RARELY, maybe like once or twice every 30 minutes, so it gets kinda boring like I was never attacked even ONCE when I got off my train
• The story sucks
• Characters like Warren are so bland and have no backstory or anything just vague explanations
• Not a big one and personally one I ignored and has no impact on the rating, but the characters mouths don't move which can kinda feel off
• You get 2/3 of the eggs in like the first 10 minutes
• The dungeons to get said eggs are easy as hell
• If you are spotted, all you have to do is make a long and annoying run back to your train and shoot em
• Scrap quests can be a bit tedious
• Map is too big for how short the game is
• Game is short as hell (finished in 2 hours)
• Too expensive for how short it is
• Final boss is disappointing and really easy, just have a bunch of scraps to repair the train and keep switching between guns
• Anti climactic ending

Overall this game has SO MUCH POTENTIAL. If it is updated to add more story and content, it better be a free update for anyone who bought it and not DLC.

Undertale was a masterpiece, so it would be hard to top it, but Deltarune chapter 1 proves that it may not be as hard as we all thought. In my opinion Deltarune chapter 1 is not as good as Undertale, but is almost there. The main difference between Undertale and Deltarune is that Deltarune feels more story driven.

In Undertale, you are a kid named Frisk who drops down into the underground and must get out, with characters being introduced along the way. In Deltarune, you are a kid named Kris who falls into the dark world and needs to overthrow a king and find out the mystery of what the dark world really is, and how it connects to the real world, with Kris being someone who already knows many of the characters we knew from Undertale, like Toriel, Asgore, etc.

Alongside this, you also get introduced to characters pretty quickly instead of along the way of your adventure. This includes people like Suzie, Ralsei, and Lancer. I feel that because you are introduced to these characters so early on, you feel closer to them. Staying on this point, in Deltarune you feel less alone, and I think I prefer that to Undertale's isolation. In Undertale, you meet all these characters, but none of them really accompany you on your journey. They kinda just introduce themselves, have a bunch of banter happen, and then they leave you be, and it feels bad having all these cool characters and not being able to adventure with them. Deltarune fixes this by having characters like Suzie and Ralsei in your party, following you around, and helping to progress the story alongside you.

For Chapter 1, the story isn't as good as Undertale's but has a lot of depth that in my opinion was improved in Chapter 2. Overall I really loved Deltarune chapter 1, and was great seeing something from Toby Fox, sequel or not.