Gonna be honest I played this game such a long time ago that I don't remember specifics, but I remember I loved it cuz of how fast paced it was and the music. It was so fun using the boost and just speeding through.

Undertale is a masterpiece. As someone who doesn't really play single-player games or cares about story and prefers replayable multiplayer games, Undertale showed me how good a story can actually be. The wit and charm the game has is outstanding. All the characters are so important and all have their own personalities and are unlike any other characters I have seen before, so much so, I genuinely felt sad when the game ended.

The gameplay itself is unique, allowing you to spare your enemies instead of slaughtering them all. This also leads to three endings, all of which are so different from each other but each gives such an amazing experience.

The design of characters and areas are also really fun, with so many different monster designs and simple to complex looking areas.

ALSO THE MUSIC. THE MUSIC IS PEAK VIDEO GAME MUSIC. GODDAMN I LOVE ASGORE, MEGALOVANIA, SNOWDIN, METAL CRUSHER, AND MOST OF THE OTHER SONGS. The game does a really good job of humanizing the monsters, giving them personalities, wishes, and wants. If you choose to kill them, you feel bad, and I love that, because it places you in a moral and ethical dilemma.

The story of a child falling into a monster world and needing to get out is not uncommon, but Undertale crafts so much more lore around the story that it makes it feel so unique. When you are alone in the game, you truly feel alone, but when you are with other characters it really does feel like you are hanging out with people. It also isn't afraid to have humor at every corner, or even serious moments. Everything from the secret lab to Sans' promise are serious moments that are pulled of amazingly. You can even sympathize with Asgore, the final boss for trying to kill you. Everything about this game is so memorable and deserves the hype it gets.

Its so good, that people made their own spinoffs or alternate universes (AUs) that are as equally as good, like Underfell or Underswap, or Glitchtale, or the 100s of other AUs. Even some of the AUs have their own AUs, like Underswap and Underfell becoming Swapfell. This game has an insane reach and it makes sense because its just that good. Characters with small roles in the games are used in the games, comics, and so many other fan made things and its awesome.

Even the mysteries this game spawns is also so cool, like Gaster. I want to say so much more about this game, and I may come back to edit my review to do that, but this is what I can say without spoiling anything. Also I couldn't bring myself to do the genocide route cuz I loved the characters too much but I have seen gameplay of the route so im counting that as a completed route

Initially played this on Xbox 360 but later got it on PC. I forget how I got this game, but I think I got it from Xbox gold way back when (2012?). At first, like many people who first picked up Terraria, I thought it was 2D Minecraft. I later realized how wrong I was. Sure they share similar aspects like mining and building, but Terraria is more progression based.

I think the best part of Terraria as a kid was that there were so many different items and yet I was able to memorize them all and what they all did because I looked at the wiki and learned what each thing did. Even now I can recall what some of the items do because I loved the game so much I basically studied it.

What I loved about Terraria was that exploration is always unique. From exploring the Crimson to structures underground to other biomes to exploring floating islands, Terraria always had something to offer. There are so many different weapons, tools, and armor so everything always felt fresh and like there was a progression and things to work towards.

But what I loved the most was the fact that you had to fight bosses to progress, and the fact that there are so many bosses amazed me, being a kid that only played Minecraft, which had like two bosses. It was also awesome how NPCs appeared in your world and I was always excited whenever one did, and getting geared to fight bosses and getting magic weapons that do so much cool stuff was awesome.

There is always something to do in Terraria, more than most games. I really wish I could say more but I don't know what to say because Terraria is just that great. Who knows I might come back to this review to add more if I ever think of it.

In my opinion this is one of the greatest Mario games ever made, from the level design to the soundtrack to the graphics, basically everything about this game is amazing. Its such a unique game and is so different from what Mario games usually are.

It has similarities to Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine, with you having to get a star in the end, or some other goal like that, so the fundamental gameplay is still there.

This game adds just so much and yet it still feels like a Mario game despite feeling like its another game entirely. The powerups and bosses are also both awesome and are some of my favorite parts of the game.

Coconut mall intensifies

Best Mario Kart game. Soundtrack was on point, all the maps were amazing, and the online mode was pretty fun.

Alright. There's a lot to say about Titanfall 2. However, I don't have to say anything because im sure everyone knows it is the greatest FPS ever created. I first played this game on PS4 when my friend for some reason didn't see the appeal of the game so he gave it to be, but later I bought it on PC because I loved it so much.

Everything about this game is superb. The only thing I didn't like too much was the singleplayer, dont get me wrong I loved it and deserves the 5/5, but it kinda felt like a generic COD campaign. What I can give the singleplayer is that its level design is insane. Best level design in any FPS.

The story was pretty generic but still loved the connection between Jack Cooper and BT. But overall the singleplayer just didn't feel as good as the multiplayer.

Now onto the multiplayer. ITS AMAZING. Its a shame the game has slowly died off, but I still recommend anyone thinking of getting it to buy the game. You will just have to wait a bit for a lobby. But from the start of the match it is amazing, having the pilots drop down from a ship of their chosen faction with funny and quirky lines. The movement is amazing and the graphics hold up even today. You would be baffled to hear that this was made on a modified version of the source engine, trust me I was baffled too.

Going back to the movement, the movement is so goddamn amazing, there is a reason why this is called the king of movement FPS games and FPS games in general. The wallrunning, sliding, grappling, speed, there are just so many ways to move in this game, not including things like bhopping and strafe hopping. Even the grenades can help you move faster.

The gunplay is extremely fun and not hard at all even with people moving around everywhere. The Titan gameplay is so extremely fun, contrary to what many might say. Unlike the first game you cannot customize your Titan, but each Titan is its own class. From a sniper titan, to a minigun titan, to a BADASS SWORD TITAN, you WILL find one that is perfect for you. The best part about this game is that even if you don't have a Titan its not like you will get completely demolished by them. The titans arent overpowered, and a single pilot can take one down. I wanna start ranting about this game and how amazing it is, but im too lazy so I'll end the review here. All I'll say is if you are thinking about buying Titanfall 2: DO IT.

First Pokemon game I've ever completed. I also think Gen 3 is the best gen because of this game. I loved all of it, from the pokemon to the setting to the story. It felt more of an adventure than the other Pokemon games for some reason.

This game was amazing. As someone who loves modern sonic games more than the old sonic games, playing classic sonic in this game didn't feel grueling or slow as I felt the older games were, and I loved the modern take on him.

Sonic generations is just an amazing game overall, with a very good story and I love the fact that classic Sonic doesn't talk but classic Tails does. All the levels are faithfully recreated for modern stages and vice versa. I love seeing classic sonic in modern stages and modern sonic in classic stages.

My favorite parts of the game are the boss fights. Shadow is a nice throwback to Sonic Adventure 2, and I love all the other boss fights like metal sonic, Silver, Egg Dragoon, and of course the final boss where we go super sonic. Its all a nice story with good gameplay and soundtrack to appease and unite both classic and modern sonic fans.

I played through the entire game (minus the 4 hour long ending) on stream, and it was amazing. I got it for free on epic games. The comedy is extremely funny, and it feels like a valve game like portal, but its not. I love the narrator and played through every ending (again, minus the ending that takes 4 hours). I now understand why all my friends recommended it to me. There are so many different paths and all of them are hilarious. Its a simple concept thats executed beautifully.

This review contains spoilers

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag is the greatest Assassin's Creed to date. They somehow did everything right. The story of a normal pirate becoming one of history's best assassins was a genius idea and was extremely captivating. I love how he didn't become an assassin normally. He was a pirate who killed an assassin while attacking a ship because they were both stranded on an island and Edward thought his hidden blade was interesting. After killing the assassin, he basically took his clothes and impersonated him. Turns out this assassin planned to defect to the templars, so Edward goes to see what they are about. Through this he gets introduced to the world of Assassins and Templars, and their feud with each other. The thing is, we neve really see Edward become part of the Creed until the end of the game.

Throughout the whole game, Edward doesn't really care about the templars or assassin's goals and just goes about his own way. Its only at the end where he joins the assassin's, after losing many of his friends, including James Kidd and realizing that he should be more caring of the world and that he can't keep doing what he's doing. I love this story, because it makes you care for each and every character, and shows Edward's arc into becoming one of the greatest assassin's in history. Most of the story he isn't technically in the creed, you are just playing as a pirate who stole an assassin's clothes and weapons. Throughout the story, you see him develop, and see moments like with Blackbeard and James Kidd. No other Assassin's Creed had such a good story as this.

Now the gameplay. The gameplay is TOP TIER. Obviously you got the classic gameplay of all the assassin's creed. You got the stealth roof gameplay, the brawls with templars, using the same weapons like hidden blades, pistols, and swords. But on top of that, you got SHIP COMBAT. Now, you would think ship combat would be really boring. But you would be wrong. Sometimes the ship combat would be as, if not more fun than the ground combat. You get a sense of scale when you see a whole ship crew manning a giant ship firing cannons on enemies on your order, and is just beautiful. You have to manage ammo, the speed of your ship, and the direction of your ship. You also have so many tools to help with it. But where the combat is truly peak, is when GROUND COMBAT AND SHIP COMBAT COMBINE. When you lower a ships health near zero, you have two options. Sink it, or board it. I never once sunk a ship, and always boarded it because of how fun it was. You would pull up near the almost sunken ship, which is now on fire because how much damage you did to it, you would anchor and board it, with your crew pulling your ship closer to the enemy. Then, you and your crew jump on to the other ship, and start fighting the enemies and their captain. It really gives you a sense of scale when you see your crew against theirs. It feels truly like a large scale battle. After killing most of the crew and the captain, the rest of the crew gives up. You now have two more choices. Scuttle the ship and collect resources, or take the ship as your own and make their crew yours. This is why I love this game. It feels awesome to see the enemy crew dawn your uniform, and it also feels good to get resources from ships you scuttle. This part of the game makes you really feel like a pirate and is one of my favorite parts about this game. This is only one example of the mixed ship and ground combat.

My favorite thing to do in this game alongside boarding enemy ships were the FORTS. These things were so fun. Along with a few enemy ships, you had to take on a fort on land, where you had to take out their defense (cannons and all that), and after you do so, you jump out of the ship and onto the fort in the island. You then have what basically is an all out war between you and the enemy. After killing a bunch of enemies, you break into the captain's head quarters where you assassinate him and claim the fort. This truly shows scale in this game, and it feels like an actual war. There is more, but these were the few things I wanted to geek out about this game. If you get the chance, please play it, I know it came out in 2013, but its so worth it.

So I know 5 stars seems like a lot for this game, and it probably is. But to me, this game meant a lot. This was probably my 2nd video game I've ever played, my first being GT Pro Series for the Wii. I got this game on christmas day at a friends house while my family was staying over. I was so excited to play it.

This game was also my introduction to Mario and the wider world of gaming in general. The game was so simple, yet so fun. The gameplay too, was so simple, yet so fun.

The story, so simple, yet so fun. You could play as Mario (obviously), Luigi as 2nd player, then two toads as players 3 and 4, which I thought was really cool. For my first Mario game, I had a lot of fun and replayed this game a lot.

The graphics look amazing and fun, and makes you feel like you are in the mushroom kingdom. The music is extremely jolly and fun, and what surprised me as a kid was seeing the enemies react to the music. Overall, fun italian plumber game.

So this review is basically a copy of the Sonic Unleashed review for Xbox, except minus half a star. This is because the graphics quality is worse, there is no free roam, and some parts of the story is cut out.

So I already had this game on the Nintendo Wii, but one of my friends gifted me a copy of Sonic Unleashed for the Xbox 360, and I have to say, its miles better than the Wii version.

For one, they have a free roam kind of mode in the Xbox version that added to the story and the levels. This is because in the Wii version we would just randomly meet characters we would have never met before, but in the Xbox version you get to meet them during the free roam. The graphics on the Xbox version is also better.

But for the actual game, it is really fun. The day levels were so fast paced and I loved it, while the night levels were slower and more like a beat em up, which most people hated, but I thought it was a nice addition that had never been explored in the Sonic series before.

Overall the graphics were amazing for the time. But what set this game apart from others IS THE MUSIC. The music for this game is probably the best in any Sonic game. Sonic games usually do amazing with their music, but Sonic Unleashed takes it to the next level. It is an orchestral ost which almost every song in it is a banger. The few non orchestral songs are also amazing, like Endless possibilities and Aptos day and things like that. I think I had more to say about the game, but I decided to go to sleep before finishing this review so its the next day and I forgot. Anyways amazing game.

So I already had this game on the Nintendo Wii, but one of my friends gifted me a copy of Sonic Unleashed for the Xbox 360, and I have to say, its miles better than the Wii version.

For one, they have a free roam kind of mode in the Xbox version that added to the story and the levels. This is because in the Wii version we would just randomly meet characters we would have never met before, but in the Xbox version you get to meet them during the free roam. The graphics on the Xbox version is also better.

But for the actual game, it is really fun. The day levels were so fast paced and I loved it, while the night levels were slower and more like a beat em up, which most people hated, but I thought it was a nice addition that had never been explored in the Sonic series before.

Overall the graphics were amazing for the time. But what set this game apart from others IS THE MUSIC. The music for this game is probably the best in any Sonic game. Sonic games usually do amazing with their music, but Sonic Unleashed takes it to the next level. It is an orchestral ost which almost every song in it is a banger. The few non orchestral songs are also amazing, like Endless possibilities and Aptos day and things like that. I think I had more to say about the game, but I decided to go to sleep before finishing this review so its the next day and I forgot. Anyways amazing game.

Before playing this game, I knew little to nothing about South Park. I went into the game knowing a few references and thinking that only a south park fan would love this game, but that wasnt true.

The graphics stayed true to the show, and so did the comedy. They brought the voices from the show, adding to to the game. I loved the fact that it just felt like kids playing pretend and it felt almost nostalgic. I loved how all the armor and weapons looks handmade, like a kid made it. Its not supposed to look cool, its supposed to look like a kid made it. I loved the part in Canada too. Even if I never watched South Park, I still found the game hilarious and fun. It also tempted me to watch South Park, which im kinda doin.

The prime definition of a classic lego game. Doesn't have voice acting like the newer ones but the charm of the grunts each character makes sets up for even more comedic scenes. The selection of villains is pretty amazing, using most of the well known batman villains and every boss fight is extremely engaging.