My mom walked in the room and saw a guard with a giant uncensored cock. also francois 'dominated’ me onscreen uncensored while i was streaming in a vc. Hyperfixated on this game for a month and it’s just short enough for me to complete it and put it away. i liked enki and ragnvladr and all the lore !

gameplay is so fucking fun and raiden is a blast to control and slash bitches up with. that being said , the character assassination in this game is so awful it brings the whole game down . it’s fun to play mindlessly with the dialogue turned off. #justice4raiden

i mean i played it and finished all the dlc ;-;… idk man it’s fun i liked it when i played it. not really like in my top 10 or anything.

addicting gameplay loop also the patch that adds in boss rushes and rematches on demand is fucking genius. i can always come back and fight my favorite bosses whenever i want to.

the first game i ever played more than 5 times . i unfortunately have played it so much i can’t come back to it. but if it ever gets a remake or a remaster i will be buying. solid action. love all the bloody stuff that happens. and also all the trans allegories rock.

i love raiden i love pliskin i love otacon. i love metal gear mwah mwah mwah mwah thjs game rocks

If this game was a man i would bend over and let it cum in me. genuinely a masterpiece. one of my favorite video games of all time

incredible on the first play through, coop is so inconsistent and ng+ feels like a slog. can’t wait for dlc tho