I would really love to see Nintendo revisit Mach Rider at some point. The idea of a lone survivor in the apocalypse just being this overpowered savior and going around saving people is just extremely cool to me. Just such a shame that the game is way too hard.

Surprisingly great feeling pinball game with some fun gameplay to match it

Well Electro Brain Corp, you really did not deliver on impressing me. I expected a high energy adrenaline pumping offroad adventure, but instead I received lies and false hopes. With a box art showing off some fun offroad racing, one would only assume that's what they were to receive, but instead, the entire game takes place in some random halfpipe with no indication of offroad racing outside of the vehicles featured and the occasional boulder.

While the crimes committed by the games box art were bad, things got even worse after I opened up the manual for the game. The lies were so bad, that I almost wish I could've just gone into the game blind instead of being fed these false hopes. Straight from the 4th page of the manual we are told "RACE OF A LIFETIME" which immediately got me excited. Featured right below is a picture of the game's map. The map of the game was this long and wavy path that looks like it should be some of the most fun I can have with a racing game on the GBA, but that's not true! While I was advertised and led to believe I was getting an adventure, I instead got a series of the beforementioned halfpipes and almost nothing else. The game got very repetitive and felt extremely lacking after the first stage

However, I would be lying if I said 'Dead Heat Scramble' was all bad news. I must admit, I had fun on stage 1. The controls felt smooth, and the rush of quickly avoiding obstacles and ramming into opponents was like nothing else at the time on the GBA. When playing top-down racing games, I am often reminded of one of my favorite video games from when I was around the age range of 5-10. That game was 'Matchbox Air Land Sea Rescue/Emergency Response' and I will admit, that during that age range of 5-10 years old, I had a great time with that game. While my memories of 'Matchbox Air Land Sea Rescue/Emergency Response' are very limited, I at least remember that I enjoyed the game and the general concept of the game. When Comparing "Dead Heat Scramble' to 'Matchbox Air Land Sea Rescue/Emergency Response' I begin to think about how much of Dead Heat Scramble really matters to begin with. If I was in the age range of 5-10 years old and playing Dead Head Scramble, what would I remember when writing a review as a 20 year old adult? With such bland visuals and a tiring gameplay loop, I think the only thing I would remember is the box art. I would probably think about Dead Heat Scramble as the game that brought me false hopes, and not the gameplay. As mentioned previously, I remember almost nothing about 'Matchbox Air Land Sea Rescue/Emergency Response' but I remember the visuals and premise which is one thing no child will probably ever remember about Dead Heat Scramble.

Extremely tedious but mildly addictive. I really enjoyed the gameplay progression even if it was a bit slow. By the time I was able to destroy walls, I couldn't put the game down. The map design was pretty bizarre and some of the enemies were just terrible (the fuckers who lower stats) but overall I wouldn't call Dragon Slayer anything but a good game!

No matter how annoying it can be to play (fuck those white laser beam thingys) I really can't deny how great this game is. Pretty much every concept found in this game is still being used in video games today. Not only does it predate Wolfenstein 3D as the original first person game, but it's also the first horror jumpscare game. Everything in this game just feels extremely well made and still fun to play.

I really loved this game, but some of the level design on the later levels of the game just does not fit the gameplay at all. Other than that, I had a great time with this game.

I think it's crazy that I've never heard of this game until now, because there is so much lore when it comes to the elements of this game that were later used in Wolfenstein 3D which would also go on to be the predecessor to Doom which is literally one of the most important games ever made.

i have no idea if it was the emulator or if the game is just broken, but this game is not good!

admittedly, i didn't actually finish this. i was doing something wrong and couldn't figure out how to fix it and it was stressing me out, but i was so close to the end that i just decided to watch it online. universal paper clips rules tho which is not something i expected to say about a clicker, but its true! the game actually makes such good use out of its genre and besides the fact that it felt overwhelming at times, every part of the game just felt super good.

Probably my favorite movie from last year. While this was certainly a charming little game, it feels so bad to play. Weird hit detection, bad ai, and awful controls. Charming, but not fun lol.

I got "Sweet, But Aloof" but i probably should've got something related to the fact that i skipped through half the game, because i have no interest in having a computer game ridicule me for a fictional relationship.

Despite being an all out assault on the players senses, this is one of the most thought provoking games that I've played on the Game Boy. The game may have given me a throbbing headache and made me feel terrible, but this game treats the player with so much respect. Truly one of the most abstract and underrated games that I've played on the Game Boy

This game just stops being fun after like level 3. First 2 levels go crazy tho!

I used to always think this game was somewhat barebones and very barebones, but I actually think this game benefits from that. The game never pressures the players with the game's themes and it feels almost abstract in a way. Considering most video games love having the most in your face approach with their themes and story, replaying Portal was very refreshing.