shit was intense. mf had me on the edge of my seat.

This totally sucks to actually play but considering this was just a fan project made in a short time frame, i'd feel bad calling it bad. It's actually pretty good in the idea that they managed to just throw a modern game onto the gameboy and made it work.

Definitely feels like an early 3D fighter, but I don't think I hate it. Lacks the fluidity of its contemporaries, but after getting a grasp of it, I was really able to get into it. I don't hate it, and probably the only reason I look back on this so fondly is because the game I played before this was the original Dynasty Warriors which might be the worst fighting game I've ever played.

Not surprising that they switched genres after this. This game is terrible omg. It was Omega Forces first game, so I hate to trash this game so much, but despite the combat being somewhat unique, it just does not feel good at all. This is some of the worst combat I've ever played in a fighting game. On top of that, all of the arenas suck, music sucks, fmv cutscenes suck. Everything here just sucks!

It's like a faster paced Tekken but with boob physics

i'm starting to find out that most ps2 launch games are just ps1 games but with a nicer coat of paint

first two difficulties are some of the most fun and intense platforming ive played, but my ass will never even get past level 4 of the hardest difficulty. genuinely some of the hardest shit ever put in a video game.

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piss river make lizard

oh wow it's like animal crossing but they like kill people and stuff wow such a creative and thought provoking experience

some of the worst handling and ai I've seen in a racing game, but nothing this game laid the groundwork for the only underground street racing franchise cooler than Need For Speed. Even though it's sequels really perfected the formula, I won't deny that going a separate route from the other racers and then crossing paths and weaving between each other while avoiding the police is the reason Midnight Club is such a unique spin on the genre. The open ended races with multiple routes have become what the series is known for and you'll either love it or hate it.

It's like a Dynasty Warriors sequel in the sense that they touched things up a bit and added just enough content to warrant that big juicy "2" at the end of the title

Playing this now its nothing much, but I'm throwing in an extra half star cuz i remember this being much better when i'm playing it in the 5th grade trying not to get caught instead of doing school work

Namco was so proud of the original game, that they just decided to make it again, but better.

I remember looking back fondly on this game when I first played it, but that fondness was lost when I remembered how garbage it felt to drift in this game. Everything else about this game is so perfect, but that drifting feels so bad. Thankfully this is just an issue of the first game cuz later games feel so much better.

This season literally killed one of my friend groups