half a year after playing and this game seriously hasn’t left my head. i havent thought about cyberpunk for a second since i put it down just over i think a week ago and i think about outer wilds at least once every other day. in hindsight, i was really, really salty that i spoiled myself on the biggest puzzles, and still am, but the overall unique and impactful experience this game gave me was next level. in hindsight Outer Wilds is an exceptionally well designed game where the gameplay and narrative are so tightly woven that they are inseparable. it uses it’s mechanics to slowly, subtly, and deeply sit its themes into your your experience, making it all the more immersive and thought provoking. it’s so well designed that it’s honestly mind-blowing. it utilizes its medium to its maximum potential, giving me similar feelings to undertale, hollow knight, and omori. think if i wasnt spoiled on the base game’s reveals it may be a possible 10

seriously convinced me that FICTION IS REAL BECAUSE OF HOW IT CHANGES YOU AS A PERSON idc what anybody says this game is fucking incredible the best main cast of any DR and the best overall story

such a crazy amount of fun when I was a kid. Beat the story on every difficulty multiple times, at least a few hundred hours in forge, exhausted firefight for everything it was worth, and made some serious memories in both online and local multiplayer. Just an incredible AAA game on all fronts, with so much FUN content that it's insane by today's standards. They simply don't make em like this anymore.

fun fighting game! What I'm realizing is that being into a fighting game casually is impossible nowadays, and that keeps me from playing this much.

Probably the most well written story in gaming. Both Nier games have the ability to make me feel a very palpable despair that I have not experienced in media otherwise.

though i think the single player here is lackluster, i got into smogon competitive with this game and it was so damn fun

There was a two and a half year stretch when I would have told you that melee was my favorite game of all time. It seriously consumed my entire life, from practicing to competing to enjoying it as a spectator and even watching the podcast of my favorite commentators. I wrote my college essays on melee. I viewed my favorite players as idols, and my least favorites as the devil. Some of my favorite memories in high school are tied to melee. I don't even remember much of my junior year, which should have been the most stressful, because melee was such a big part of my life. I loved the scene so much that when I saw it changing in a direction i didn't like I couldn't bring myself to continue following it. I know I was being a baby, but it genuinely broke my heart to see leffen hbox armada be the best players in the world. I damn near quit melee cold turkey, and now I'm so far removed from the scene that I can't even re-enter it.

fun creature collector that is kind of like a love letter and bitter departure from pokemon. I think it lays a foundation for an amazing franchise in the long run, but as it is it has fun exploration, nonlinearity, traversal, and the CB type interactions are very fun. The main problem is the casette beasts themselves. The creatures should always be the highlight of a creature collector, and this is the only one I've played that feels lacking in the creature department. I don't like most of the designs, they dont feel unique enough in their gameplay due to no unique abilities and stats not varying much (or mattering much at all for that matter). The fusion mechanic is fun but very very strong. The overarching story is lackluster but the smaller, character focused stories are pretty good. This game obviously has a LOT of love and care put into it though, so I'm excited to see what comes next out of the devs.

Originally watched berleezy play this and then played it with friends, us all voice acting the characters. Though it was fun both times, this game seriously pales in comparison to its sequels.

My personal favorite and most nostalgic Pokemon game. At a time, my favorite game of all time as well. To this day I believe the Gen 3 hoenn games had the greatest sense of adventure and balance between player agency and handholding.

super duper fun the game is a collection of great boss fights with some awesome progression until you get to like alatreon. still have to fight fatalis

My favorite AAA game of all time. What astounds me about Skyrim is ever since I played it in 2013, it has stuck in my mind ever since, and I play it even more nowadays than I did back then. As I've grown older, I've become much more critical of the game's flaws, but something about this game keeps me crawling back. Been into the modding scene for Skyrim for a few years now, and it's been some of the most fun I've had in gaming.

A little over halfway through this one and it's really good I just don't like tartarus and that's making it difficult for me to finish it. Solid story so far with well executed themes, just need to finish it.

best progression system in any game ever. endlessly fun it surprises me more games aren't inspired by terraria, or maybe they are just they don't do what terraria does as well as terraria.

DESPAIR DESPAIR DESPAIR DESPAIR DESPAIR end ending E is probably the best ending to any video game ever?