Like most Wii games, this fucks. An actual fun party game to play with your buds. Would recommend to anyone and everyone!

Actual dog ass. Shuntaro Furukawa took my childhood and shat on it right in front of me. I just sat and watched. Everything I know is a lie. Thank you nintendo.

One great follow up to an already fun game. Great job to the folks at Nintendo for improving on greatness. Can't wait to see where they go with this idea in the future.

You know this game is fun. I won't sit here and tell you shit you already know. Just go play it again. Don't have a Wii? why? Are are stupid? You gave it to FUCKING GAMESTOP?? WHY?? JUST SELL IT ON EBAY OR SOMETHING. YOU LITERALLY GAVE THAT SHIT AWAY YOU MORON. NOW SOME TROGLODYTE IS GONNA SELL IT TO YOU FOR 100X THE VALUE. ALL FOR WHAT? SO YOU CAN PLAY SOME DUMB SPORTS GAME YOU PLAYED WHEN YOU WERE 10? GREAT JOB GENIUS.

It is a miracle this franchise was able to survive after the release of this game. Everything feels like a chore, the game play itself feels so dated and bland, the story and pokemon designs are fine, but these are elements that are hiding under what is frankly, a pretty shitty game. A game so dull and tedious that the follow up was considered a masterpiece by comparison. (Even though it kind of is)

How a video game should be made. A perfect blend of story, music, and visual aesthetics made to give the player a memorable experience. It is unfortunate that the franchise is boggled down with trite and mediocrity. But I still won't let it take from what a good time anyone can have playing this game.

Not a half bad game. Don't let the small child level graphics fool you. This game mashes elements of Minecraft with standard RPG gameplay. Solid choice to play something small and casual with friends to wind down.

Pretty repetitive game play loop with a funny premise. Worth playing for a bit once but you probably won't touch it after.

This is barely playable garbage. AAA companies need to do better this day in age.

Dig underground and pump tomatoes/dragons full of air until they explode into a big bloody mess! Fun for the whole family.

The arcade game I'm best at. Definitely a 7800 gem. The single best game released in 1981. Galaxian who??

Pretty cool game. Unless you're playing on pc. Then you can sit back and watch the glitches unfold and ruin this story driven experience. Please play this on a console.

Hire immigrants to grow pot and have a stupid pissing match with your rival same-sex couple from across the street. The most realistic thing in this game is swatting your neighbors house for fun.

Grab your stupidest friends and gaslight them into yelling at each other for 5 minutes with evidence you falsified until one of them gets kicked and win the game. A great time to scream at your buddies or bully small children.

Play this game with your buddies and watch helplessly as the women fight over Damien and the men fuck up every conversation with any of the actual women in the game. Overall a really fun game at parties.