I don't like cars, and I don't like soccer. So why is it that I have over 30 hours total across 3 platforms on this game? Its because I am a masochist.

The only game in which I can Griddy on someone's 10 year old son after cranking the sickest 90s and ending their pathetic little 4 player killing spree as Thanos from Endgame. Fuck you Timmy, Cry to your mom see if I care. 100/20

Snort a line of coke, set your FOV to maximum, And grab your annoying friends in this fast paced FPS 3v3v3. The tutorial sucks, the monetization system is awful, and the players are sweaty. But hey, its free to play and a half decent time when messing around with friends.

Was it good? Probably not. But for a 12 year old me that couldn't afford a good FPS, it was an unbeatable experience. Thank you for the memories, Blacklight <3

This is a pretty big scale as far as Fromsoft games go. As such, I feel that there wasn't as much effort put into certain aspects of the game. However, I am in love with it regardless, and have only shelved it so that I can finish it during a period where I have enough time to appreciate it. A definite good starting off point if you're dipping your toes into the series.

If this is not your first Fromsoft game. Prepare for more or less the same, just watch out for the swampy areas and the entirety of the ringed city. If this IS your first Fromsoft game. Prepare to get absolutely fucked like the rest of us did. Only the strong willed will make it through this grueling journey.

A game that simulates your tax dollars going to something actually useful. Start from scratch and build yourself a mega city in mere hours. a pretty fun casual experience. Just...please for the love of god keep your traffic situation in order. Thank me later ;)

Allow your schizophrenic delusions to dominate your mind in this multiplayer horror game. Get your friends to scream obscenities in the mic to some unnamed demon until it gets annoyed and pick you all off 1 by 1. An actual fun time.

Just like your husband in the bedroom, this will be the best 3 minutes of your life.

The best game in the series. A really good start for anyone looking to get into the franchise. My middle school friend has my old copy. Give my shit back Dylan, you dickhead.

The clunkiest, ugliest MK game in the series. In an effort to make these characters "realistic" They all look like freaks, like if they are all androids given what is supposed to look like human skin. The moves are clunky and don't feel fluid. And the fatalities are unsatisfying and feel lazy. Go play MK 9 instead

The last good Mortal Kombat game. Somebody tell that fucking big eyebrowed bastard Ed Boon to start making these games good again.

Arc system works simply can not fumble a fighting game. This is definitely one of the more solid persona spin-offs. The graphics and gameplay are clean despite being over a decade old. Would recommend to fans of the franchise and fighting game fans alike.


Very solid fighting game. Easy to pick up but takes a lot of time to master (as most fighting games are.) Be sure to abuse the end-game meta of picking phoenix wright and absolutely annihilating your opponents with facts and logic.

Hop on this "free to play game" And squeeze about 2 days worth of content out of it before your friends peer pressure you into spending most of your last paycheck on the latest expansion.Then suffer a never ending loop of mindless grinding for stupid colored weapons and re-evaluate your life decisions that got you here in the first place. If you ever hate yourself enough, You can always brutalize your gaming equipment in a riveting crucible match. Where crayon eating children will teach you that there might just be something worse than hell. And its free to play on most consoles. Play destiny 2 and receive irreversible brain damage today!