Crying and screaming over which classic character would win in a heroes match never felt so good. A definite improvement over the first in every way. At least the latest version is. Wouldn't recommend for newcomers since the sweats have a firm grasp on the multiplayer.

Solid fps. Experience the first hand trauma of having your entire squad artillery shelled in front of you while you make pathetic attempts at "doing the objective" and "being a team player" until you inevitably meet the same fate as your disembodied brethren.

Step 1:Hop into a match
Step 2:Wander aimlessly for about 5 minutes
Step 3:Get sniped by Mr.Seal team 6 from halfway across the map.
I unironically have a fantastic time with this game. Tons of fun play with friends.

The most heartwarming game about serial killing in the boonies you will ever play.

My brain is now a fine powder, used to make pharmaceutical drugs that treat chronic schizophrenia. This is the fate of those that dare play this interactive brain rot.

A pretty fun MMO. Too bad I've been locked out of my account for a year and a half. Well played Square Enix ;)

Play through the fun story mode then cry about the fact nobody plays this game anymore when trying to queue up for endgame missions.

I usually find myself wandering around until something much higher level attacks me or until I find a cool gun lying around that loses ammo after two shots. This game has definitely improved over time though.

The poor man's smash bros with better net code and fun crossovers.


This game not only LOOKS fantastic. But the gameplay and story are also incredible, as well spectacular voice acting and good music. Absolutely having a blast with it.

A super fun game with a feel-good story and super fluid combat.

A timeless classic that revolutionized the industry. Although it has its own issues, it is definitely not only one of the most important Mario games, but a very important video game overall.

One of the best 3DS games. A super charming and fun video game that should be celebrated. A shame we haven't gotten a remake or sequel since.

Get drunk and play this with friends. Super fun multiplayer nonsense.