Hey Lois, this more funny than that time I played the South Park video game.

I love this stupid game so so much. We need more "turn your brain off" games like these that aren't afraid to take themselves seriously.

Every decision in this game:
"Would you like to help a child or kill ten babies?"

Even playing this on a 2011 macbook doesn't diminish this game's quality

How the hell this game come out of nowhere

Very funny and creative game, just lost interest.

Funny game that you should NOT play on PSVR

Phenomenal game, but it's hard to appreciate when megalovania is played every 5 minutes on the internet.

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Prince Lothric is the best fight in the entire series

Compared to other souls games, yeah it's a bit slow.
In a vacuum, this game is a masterpiece.

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Fuck Gwynevere
Marry Sigmeyer
Kill Patches

A breathtaking experience I never want to do again.

Sonic fans do what sega don't

Best souls game and it's not even close