Yeah, this whips ass. Wild to think that this is the only unconditional W that Microsoft has gotten since Cuphead, but still worth it all the while. I just wish they would greenlight more games like this instead of Quadruple-A-Super-Games that may or may not ever come out.

There's a fucking taunt button where you talk about how much of a freak for The Emperor you are.

I'm not really one for visual novels, but his one leans more on the adventure game stylings of the old Lucasarts games I really liked at the time. Really excited for Neurodiver!

About as close to perfect as you could get. One of the most empathic, detailed, and uncompromising stories Nintendo has ever told.

The further out I get from Void Stranger, the more convinced I am that it's one of the best games of all time.

The Hover Tank stuff is really good! The other stuff is not so good.

Pretty good for a first playthrough, and the side quests are fun enough, but I don't see myself going too much farther with this series.

So the snakes are attracted to miners? Chris Hansen?

In a competition between this and any other Western RPG in the past decade, this cleans house.

It sure is hot in here, isn't it?

Man, these games are great but these days I can't help but get annoyed by them. Especially since Souls became the template for modern action games. Everything about the series comes together so well, the world is so interesting, the exploration and level design are top notch, and it lets you be so flexible in your approach that it's easy to want to go back to it. But then you die thanks to an overzealous input buffer, have to do ANOTHER run back to your souls, eventually get fed up fighting the same enemies over and over so you run past everything, fight a boss which will sometimes have a cool gimmick, and then get you invaded because you automatically opt-into online play after a boss. The highs hit really high, but it's probably not a coincidence that I finish one of these games felling exhausted thinking "yeah I think I'm done with this gameplay style for now".

You know Dark Souls? Yeah, those games are cool. Well, what if we did one of those, took out the character building, laser focused on the so-so combat, and turned it into a stealth game? Yeah, not super into this one.

I like Bayonetta 1 more the Bayonetta 2, but both are really great. This is what put Platinum Games over with their audience and it's not hard to see why.

It's fun do drive in no particular direction.