Meh. Not really worth your time unless you're a big Half-Life fan. Still a neat bit of history I guess but even for a tech demo its a bit underwhelming.

It's obvious this game is more meant to give fans of the original UCN more challenges and characters to choose from. There are a few repeated ideas but that's to be expected with this game's amount of selectable enemies. There are a lot of deep cut references to FNaF's past that I'm sure a lot of longtime fans will appreciate seeing. There's also a fair bit of side modes like a full Story Mode, some Minigames, etc. Pretty good fangame that's really gives you a lot of options.

Good way to kick off 2024. Up there with Super Mario Bros. 3 as one of the most technically impressive games on the NES. It's very commendable how they managed perfect the 2D Kirby formula so early into the series' life. The boss fights were a huge highlight for me, especially that final boss. Would recommend you check it out.

This was my first ever introduction to Smash and a lot of Nintendo's lesser known franchises. This game really got me into Nintendo as a company, I started watching videos on game franchises I had barely heard about just to learn more about the company's history.
The game itself is pretty good. It's no where near my favourite Smash game, that would probably have to go to Ultimate and Melee but it's still a good time. It felt like Nintendo learned what they did wrong with trying to appeal to the casual audience in Brawl and fixed it in this game. I would consider this game to be the most accessible Smash game. I remember playing this with friends and families that had never really played a game before but caught on to the controls really easily. The roster this time is pretty ok. It's what you would expect from hearing the phrase "Nintendo Fighting Game", some popular characters alongside some more obscure ones. Overall, its a good game and I enjoyed my time with it.

It is such a strange feeling playing a Postal game without it's infamous jank.
Incredibly fun boomershooter that doesn't take itself seriously at all. Though the humour is a bit hit or miss, especially some of the boss fights. Still this game has shown that it may still be a good idea to franchise out the Postal series, even if the time they did that before this showed... less than pleasing results...
Also every single shotgun should come equipped with a grappling hook in every game from now on.

Pretty fun with some decently challenging platforming. Tails is kind of a useless inclusion in the long term as his only real use is doing a bit more damage to bosses. I feel like some parts of the levels go out of their way to punish you for no reason like putting spikes in inconvenient spots or planting a spring in a spot that will lead to your death which is a bit annoying as it encourages a more paranoid playstyle in a game all about going fast.

(This is a review of the new Weekend 1 update that came out recently)
I’ve been sort of neglecting my connection to FNF the past few months due to being embarrassed to have liked it so much despite it’s negative perception in online spaces. I stopped listening to the soundtrack, stopped playing mods as much as I used to and barely kept up with a community I had spent nearly 4 years interacting with.
Then a new update to the base game came out and I rediscovered why I fell in love with this game years ago. There’s something about this game’s charm and aesthetic that I’ve never seen in any other game before. The artstyle is gorgeous, the songs are catchy despite having gibberish for lyrics, it’s respect towards Newgrounds and it’s history as a massive website for artists and creatives, etc. Its honestly inspiring how much passion was put into a game like this.
But anyways, onto the update itself. The new Week (or really Weekend I should be saying) is great and really showcases what the devs have been up to in the time between this and the Week 7 update. A whole engine rework, better input system, new shaders, fully hand animated cutscenes that are amazing to watch and some great new music. I really like the idea of having epilogues to weeks in the form of Weekends levels where we play as a different character, with this Weekend being an epilogue to Week 3 and sort of Week 7 as well where we see what happened to Pico. It helps with the world building of the game, that not everything is happening to our main characters. This update also added in new Erect remixes, basically harder versions of already existing songs in the game. They’re all great to listen to and the guest musicians they got on these songs were cool to see, going from some pretty renowned musicians in the mod community to even the composer who worked on the Tekken series, Kohta Takahashi.
Overall, an amazing update to the game. Can’t wait to see what the devs come up with for the next one.

Fun basic platformer. Feels like they took elements of the NSMB games and implemented them into a 3D platformer.

I've always liked Scott's troll games just because of the amount of fan service he puts into them, with this one being no exception. Levels like Merch Cemetery and Meme Cavern make it feel kinda rewarding keeping up with these games and the community for so long.
The game itself is alright. Controls can feel a bit awkward at times but work regardless. Levels are inconsistent with how long they are. Some are long enough but others feel very short. Overall it was a cool little game and we got a nice teaser for the movie out of it.

Trying to get through my FNaF fan-game backlog and decided to start with this game due to how short it is.
For what is essentially just an interactive teaser for Popgoes Evergreen it's actually fairly competent. Managing your three stats to make sure you don't die can be pretty tense at times, especially at the later levels and it's a nice translation of the original FNaF's power system where you would have to keep an eye on it and keep a balance of using it and not. I'm excited for when the game gets expanded a bit when it comes to Steam.

Despite the near 200 hours I have on this game from when I was young, this is easily the weakest of the Skylanders games I’ve played. It has its strengths though like the very fine tuned character creation system, the new Sensi Skylanders are really cool, the return of fan-favourite villains from Trap Team with them now having full movesets and the fact that every single previous Skylander from every game can be played here. But for me, the negatives outway the positives. Levels are very dull and feel like they go on way longer than they should which is pretty sad because there are a lot of creative ideas here. Imaginators are basically useless compared to the way more powerful Sensi characters, the grindy lootbox character parts system gets annoying and repetitive fast and the fact that they completely retconned Superchargers ending just so they could bring Kaos back as the main antagonist. I wouldn’t recommend this game if you’re planning on revisiting the Skylanders franchise.

Played this on a whim while looking through the SNES NSO library out of boredom.
Very addictive puzzle game with some great sprite work. Took me a bit to understand how the game worked as all the text was in Japanese but I figured it out soon enough as the game is really simple but still effective and fun.
Worth a play if you are big on puzzle games.

I’m going to get this out of the way firstly as I know I’m going to sound very harsh towards this game in this review: I like Red Dead Redemption 2. I think it’s an incredible game filled to the brim with interesting characters, locations and stories. I just think that there are a few things in the game that stop it from becoming a 10/10 masterpiece. Most of my issues with this game I wouldn’t even really blame the game for and it’s more at the fault of Rockstar’s general game design philosophy.
Firstly, this game did not need to be an open world game. While it being an open world game is great, it didn’t really need to be. The map feels very barren with not a lot of interactive elements aside from the occasional scripted event or random attack. Now I wouldn’t have had a problem with this if the majority of the game wasn’t just riding your horse. I get why Rockstar made this the primary mode of traversal, they want you to take in the world and look at this amazing achievement in video games from a graphical standpoint and I was thinking those very thoughts… for the first 10 or so hours. After a certain point, thinking about how great the game looks just feels like you trying to distracted yourself from the boring and egregious journey just to get to a certain mission. And don’t even get me started on the mission structure.
After around Chapter 4 or 5, missions start to follow a very similar setup and payoff. You ride to a certain part of a map, do some sort of task like hunt an animal or investigate a house and then you have to escape the inevitable shootout. While this mission structure isn’t bad, it feels very tedious to do and after a while it just started to get dull especially with how easy the game is when you’re in combat.
But there are still things I like about this game, like the characters. Arthur Morgan is one of the most well written characters I’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing in a video game. The slow but gradual evolution of him doing anything for Dutch and the gang and risking everything for it to him starting to question his mentor and the acts they are committing. One of my highlights from this game was just walking around the camp and interacting with the characters, seeing what their thoughts are on current situations on the story, building connections with them and banding together with them. The characters feel real, they have goals, aspirations and dreams, you feel like you could have a conversation with them.
Overall, while I have my gripes with this game, I still think its an incredible experience and a must play for anyone who is a fan of story focused games.

As someone who I would consider to be a big South Park fan I really enjoyed this game, more than I did with Stick of Truth which was surprising to me. I think story wise I still prefer Stick of Truth though as this game’s story feels like it should have ended about 5 hours before it actually did and the ending felt really anticlimactic alongside a weak final boss. Gameplay wise though this is a huge improvement over the previous game. I’ve always been a much bigger fan of tactical RPG than traditional ones due to them adding a lot more strategy to fights and this game doesn’t disappoint on that. The character roster for this game is great but some characters feel like they weren't used to they’re full potential. I thought characters like Toolshed and Mosquito were very underwhelming in combat for example. Overall I had a fun time with this game.

For what it's worth its a decent collection of ports of subpar mobile games and in the modern day it is the only way to play some of these games. Presentation wise, the games look very accurate to the original mobile games but the UI feels really cheap and slapped together. The gameplay itself isn't anything to really write home about. Overall it's a fine collection but not really worth getting.