An expanded version of that one Hunger Games simulator that adds real time events, a fleshed out character creator, customizable maps and allows 100+ characters to be in a match. It gets the job done for what it is. A lot of the enjoyment comes from seeing a bunch of your favourite characters get into these situations that are funny to imagine like Invader Zim teaming up with Freddy Fazbear or Scott Pilgrim being drowned in a lake by Shadow the Hedgehog. I'd recommend getting it if you're even a bit interested considering how cheap it is on Steam.

Basic fun Lego game but the puzzles in this one suck balls

Extremely difficult but very satisfying when you finally beat a section

It's good but the fact the game doesn't really explain the basics of itself and you instead have to search stuff up on a wiki is a big turn off

Imagine Super Meat Boy but without the charming art style and great platforming and instead has a level called "McCardiac Arrest".

A nice horror game, knows how to really make an atmosphere and has really good timing with jumpscares. Some minor complaints is really just how I don't like how Chapter 3 is just a massive fetch quest.

An alright top down adventure game. It’s weird to think this game has aged specifically in its writing even though its only 2 years old but nevertheless it is the writing that kinda dampened the experience for me. It definitely gives off that sort of “reddit good boy uwu” kinda humour which I guess sort of fits with the premise of the game but it still put me a bit off. On the topic of the premise, it’s kinda hit or miss for me especially near the end. I won’t go into spoilers but the game starts to take it’s story far too seriously for a game where you play as a living turnip who fights snails. Gameplay is fine albeit a bit barebones. It mostly consists of backtracking across the map and giving NPCs items to progress. Puzzles are very simple and easy which might be a positive or a negative depending on the person. Combat is very simple but works well enough for a game like this. The biggest thing I can recommend out of this game is the art style and soundtrack. Overall I had a fine time with this game but I doubt I’ll come back to it.

Amazing game that really knows its identity even despite being the first in a series. Pikmin has always been one of Nintendo's more experimental series especially when it came down to marketing this game. Pikmin is an odd case when it comes to its target demographic. The visuals are too colorful and cute to market to the more edgy teenage crowd but too much cruel and fucked up things happen to the Pikmin for it to appeal to more casual players. This leaves Pikmin with a playerbase of people who want to play more artistic and creatively driven games. It was a bold move by Nintendo to put out a game like this but its rewarded them in the present day with the Pikmin series being hailed as a cult classic. A big gripe I see a lot of people have for Pikmin, especially the first game, is the time/day limit. While it may seem overwhelming and daunting at first the time limit really adds a lot to that micro-management gameplay and really forces you to use your time wisely and do as much as you can in a day. My biggest issue with the game is the Pikmin themselves. The AI for the Pikmin can be a bit annoying to work around sometimes. Pikmin can sometimes fall behind with the rest of the group or trip up while moving, causing you to have to go back for them. Sometimes they'll just decide to do they're own thing like pull out grass for nectar or start randomly carrying things back to the Onions. But other than that small problem this is a great puzzle game that feels very rewarding to complete.

Just.... eh. It's a fine enough rhythm game but it never really goes anything beyond that. The gameplay is fine though I feel at times the visuals in the background can be really distracting, especially in the songs with special music videos. The dances themselves are cool to look at and can be funny at times depending on what your character is wearing. The rewards for doing well in a song aren't great though. You'll either get new clothes for your character for get these little social events with a specific character that are pretty uninteresting. They just don't feel like good rewards and don't really encourage to continue to try and do better on the songs. The list of songs here is fine. The remixes are alright but there's nothing really that stands out or is better than the original. It's a fine spin-off I guess but the most enjoyment I got out of it was just from seeing the P3 characters happy and not having to worry about anything for once.

It's obvious this game has a larger focus on its dialogue and humour rather than its actual gameplay as the game is more simple and easier than FNaF 3. All you have to do to scare off the grand total 2 enemies is click on them. I might try and finish this properly one day but I stopped playing just from being bored.