Trying to get through my FNaF fan-game backlog and decided to start with this game due to how short it is.
For what is essentially just an interactive teaser for Popgoes Evergreen it's actually fairly competent. Managing your three stats to make sure you don't die can be pretty tense at times, especially at the later levels and it's a nice translation of the original FNaF's power system where you would have to keep an eye on it and keep a balance of using it and not. I'm excited for when the game gets expanded a bit when it comes to Steam.

As someone who I would consider to be a big South Park fan I really enjoyed this game, more than I did with Stick of Truth which was surprising to me. I think story wise I still prefer Stick of Truth though as this game’s story feels like it should have ended about 5 hours before it actually did and the ending felt really anticlimactic alongside a weak final boss. Gameplay wise though this is a huge improvement over the previous game. I’ve always been a much bigger fan of tactical RPG than traditional ones due to them adding a lot more strategy to fights and this game doesn’t disappoint on that. The character roster for this game is great but some characters feel like they weren't used to they’re full potential. I thought characters like Toolshed and Mosquito were very underwhelming in combat for example. Overall I had a fun time with this game.

I’m going to get this out of the way firstly as I know I’m going to sound very harsh towards this game in this review: I like Red Dead Redemption 2. I think it’s an incredible game filled to the brim with interesting characters, locations and stories. I just think that there are a few things in the game that stop it from becoming a 10/10 masterpiece. Most of my issues with this game I wouldn’t even really blame the game for and it’s more at the fault of Rockstar’s general game design philosophy.
Firstly, this game did not need to be an open world game. While it being an open world game is great, it didn’t really need to be. The map feels very barren with not a lot of interactive elements aside from the occasional scripted event or random attack. Now I wouldn’t have had a problem with this if the majority of the game wasn’t just riding your horse. I get why Rockstar made this the primary mode of traversal, they want you to take in the world and look at this amazing achievement in video games from a graphical standpoint and I was thinking those very thoughts… for the first 10 or so hours. After a certain point, thinking about how great the game looks just feels like you trying to distracted yourself from the boring and egregious journey just to get to a certain mission. And don’t even get me started on the mission structure.
After around Chapter 4 or 5, missions start to follow a very similar setup and payoff. You ride to a certain part of a map, do some sort of task like hunt an animal or investigate a house and then you have to escape the inevitable shootout. While this mission structure isn’t bad, it feels very tedious to do and after a while it just started to get dull especially with how easy the game is when you’re in combat.
But there are still things I like about this game, like the characters. Arthur Morgan is one of the most well written characters I’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing in a video game. The slow but gradual evolution of him doing anything for Dutch and the gang and risking everything for it to him starting to question his mentor and the acts they are committing. One of my highlights from this game was just walking around the camp and interacting with the characters, seeing what their thoughts are on current situations on the story, building connections with them and banding together with them. The characters feel real, they have goals, aspirations and dreams, you feel like you could have a conversation with them.
Overall, while I have my gripes with this game, I still think its an incredible experience and a must play for anyone who is a fan of story focused games.

Pretty good season. The new map was neat but some of the new locations are a bit uninteresting and forgettable. The new weapon modding system is really cool but I wish the mod benches were more common around the map. The battlepass was really strong, I didn't really dislike any of the skins. Collabs were really good as well, especially the TMNT event and mini-pass. The new gamemodes added are fun and can be a nice break from the main BR mode. Overall, a fun season and a good start to the new chapter.

Amazing game with great engaging story, good pacing and fun gameplay. Only gripes with it is that some missions feel very tedious and that there's a lot of exposition dumping when characters get into a car together.

A really good RPG. One of the most impressive licensed games I've ever played

While short, its pretty fun. It's kind of like if the Gremlins had a licensed shooter game.

Pretty fun with a fair bit of content.
Only real complaint is the need for more than 3 challenges and more items and events to make runs more interesting.

Its a fine collection and a good way to play these games but the collection itself just lacks charm. As a celebration of Mario's 3D past, it's very lacking and feels rushed. All you get is the games and the soundtracks. No game manuals, no gallery, not even a fun unique main menu. Overall its a fine but underwhelming collection.

Probably the only mario kart game I would consider to be genuinely bad. Slippery controls, unfair coin system and the odd addition of a lives system just makes this game frustrating and not fun to play. Track design is boring with there only being a few highlights like Sunset Wilds, Ribbon Road and Lakeside Park. Overall, not an enjoyable kart racer which is disappointing considering how high quality other mario kart titles are.

The game glitched during the Opila Bird chase and I got soft-locked into a corner because she wouldn't kill me.
It's a fine fan remake by a youtuber I've been watching for a while now. As a first attempt at making a game it's pretty good. There are some optimisation issues but I don't know if that had to do with my end. Gameplay is similar to your typical modern mascot horror game. You explore areas and solve puzzles. I really like the redesigns of the characters, especially Opila Bird. They look like actual threats in this game where as in the original they just seemed like goofy mascot costumes that could move. Overall, it's a solid attempt and I'm excited for Mason's next project, Indigo Park.

This review contains spoilers

Last year in July, I got a new gaming PC and entered the world of PC gaming. I had dabbled in it a bit on my old shittier PC but I only really stuck to the 3 or so games I could run on it. When I started properly playing on PC though, obviously the genre I’d be playing the most is FPS games. I played Team Fortress 2 religiously, tried a bit of CS:GO before ultimately deciding that it wasn’t really for me and so on. But in the back of my head I kept on thinking: What if there was this super fast paced shooter that really challenged you. So I did some digging on Youtube and the Steam Store and eventually found Ultrakill.
I instantly fell in love with the game. I was fast paced, had cool weapons, enemies exploded into blood and guts when you killed them, it was like a dopamine machine. The concept of being this robot designed to kill and use the blood of its enemies to survive and fighting demons in hell sounds corny and a bit edgy but Ultrakill does a great balance of taking itself seriously and also having a bit of fun every once and a while. First you’ll be fighting demons before fighting an angel as he monologues about how much he hates you and then you’ll be playing a secret mission where you fall in love with a school girl version of the main character V1 in a visual novel.
Of course you have the main story mode to the game but you also have a couple of other game modes which are just as fun. The Cybergrind mode is the reason I keep coming back to this game. Fighting an endless army of enemies and racking up high scores is incredibly addicting and fun. Sandbox really lets you mess around with the mechanics of the game like spawning enemies, props, etc. And the Credits, while some players might skip, is honestly so cool. Instead of just a regular slideshow of names, the credits in this game is its own map thats a giant museum that you can freely explore with facts, models and even some secrets.
The soundtrack is great as well, I’m usually not the biggest breakcore fan but Ultrakill is one of the few times I don’t mind it as it fits with the game’s chaotic fights.
I would highly recommend this game to any fan of shooters. The game might be a bit overwhelming at first but you’ll soon get into it and will be hopping from enemy to enemy racking up style points.

It's a cool idea to combine two games that are very different but ultimately it falls a bit flat. One of the things I loved from the original Ultrakill was how fast paced it was and how it really rewarded you for acting fast. This game seems to forget that as it feels a lot slower in comparison. The concepts introduced are cool though like your weapon being an Endo's laser arm and the entire Mangle fight is genius but other than that I am a bit disappointed with how this game turned out.

I’m actually really sad about how this game turned out in the end. A game that was some what decent turned into microtransactions the game and barely got any content updates. The idea isn’t terrible, a Pokemon Go type game with FNaF characters could have work especially with FNaF’s large cast of characters but instead we got a game with barely any fan-favourite characters, awkward gameplay and messy systems. It just feels like a game that was made by developers that wanted to make a quick buck off of the FNaF IP.

Very fun, the tycoon sections are probably my favorite parts of the whole game. I also think that the nights in this game are the best in the whole series ascetically.