Cute but gets boring after about 10 minutes

At least its free

A silly game about a silly spider with a silly jumpscare


A obtuse non game. Waste of time even when it was new and a waste of my life checking it out now

A kids game about letters is not something you think would be possible to mess up but its a poorly designed piece of actual garbage

If you are a parent then just know that your kids deserve better than this bargain bin nonsense

When I started the game and discovered it was essentially a mini-game collection, of sorts, I was expecting it to be a let down but after a few hours of play I was completely hooked.

Tons of personality and the game play variety means that it's extremely easy to lose yourself in it for hours at a time.

I didn't think I'd enjoy paying off loan shark debts this much

Looks great, sounds great, plays great and doesn't suffer from some of the pitfalls that other games in the same genre tend to suffer from.

The kind of game you can come back to regularly and never get bored

Very of its time and can feel a bit stiff at times but mostly a good time.

The ending, which I will not spoil though, is awful and playing to completion will leave you feel deflated and let down.

Can feel a bit obtuse but it's sort of to be expected considering the original game was on the PC-88

Fast game play, a banging soundtrack and fun bosses make it an absolute blast to play. The PSP suffers from some annoying load times but generally great

A fun PS1 curio game that suffers from being way too difficult thanks to the extreme speed of the coaster making it extremely hard to tell what the hell is going on half the time. Doable with a lot of trial and error but probably not worth sinking that much time into for most

Basically the same thing as Mega Man X but the stage and boss design doesn't quite reach the same levels of near-perfection the first game had. Still very enjoyable despite being a bit more irritating to 100%

Taking the classic Mega Man format, which was already very cool, and making it even cooler

Great levels, great bosses, never a dull moment. A must play for the system

Incredibly fun for the first 6ish hours and then falls apart and turns into a complete brainless slog. The hardcore DQ fans that I know hold this as one of the best but I don't see it

Jank as all hell but laid the foundations for an absolutely incredible franchise.

The jank also makes it a hell of a fun speedrun, if you're into that

Overall, a cool game with a really interesting battle system but is bogged down with bad writing in the back half, lack luster dungeon design and combat animations that take literally years to resolve

My wife gave birth and the child has grown up and graduated university in the time it took for DragonZap to finish its spell animation one time

I'm sure its trying to say something but I was far too taken aback by its presentation (positive connotation) to really process it properly.

That said though the game is decently enjoyable and its short length means that revisits to take in its weird atmosphere is very easy to do. In the sea of crap that infests the Steam free-to-play section Psychopomp stands out for being unique and interesting