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Oh my lord where do I even start with this. So overall, I’d say this game is pretty solid. Enjoyable characters and a great mix of rpg and farming sim. The beginning moves at a snails pace but if you just push through it, it gets a lot better. The combat definitely takes some getting used to if you don’t normally play this kind of stuff. The games visuals are beautiful; stunning even. That being said, I wish that the attention and care put into the environment carried over into the NPC’s. They feel static, almost. Everyone looks the same and their side quests become more like “chores” than anything. The main cast of characters are all pretty enjoyable (Favorites include Heine, Emo, Brakka, and Unicorn) and their classes are all fun to mess around with. Though Emo and Dianthus’ classes are bit too slow for my personal preference. I played a good amount of the game switching between everyone to get a good feel for them and I tended to go with Avenger (Brakka’s class) and Shadow Walker (Istina’s class) for all the hard stuff.
The story itself was a little hard to follow at times. There was A LOT going on and a lot of plot twists where I felt like I was going in circles at times. I think they were trying to do a little too much with the story and it ended up being a jumbled mess. But I was able to understand what was going on most of the time.
There’s a lot to do in this game, between boss fights, collecting and of course, farming. But it never feels like there’s “too much” content. Just enough to give you something to do whenever you wanna walk away from the story for a bit. And the leveling system of your farm and fairy orders always give you something to work towards. By the end of the main story, I still don’t have all the conellu dolls or all of the food orders done so I’m looking forward to going back to finishing that and farming through the seasons without Quietus. I don’t think it’s a game I’ll ever go back to and replay but I had fun with it overall and definitely recommend giving it a try.

I think my grandma liked this more than I did.

I don't like star wars but this was fun

I thought this was just a fever dream

let me tell you, 8 year old me created some LOOKS

I cannot explain how much I love this game. This game frustrated the hell out of me, but in a good way. It kept me coming back. I died a lot, but each time I died, I benefitted. Finding the perfect cast of characters for each boss and pulling off perfect strategy is so satisfying. There isn’t a bad character in the game, they are all great for their own skills. And though I wasn’t sure if I’d like the “second job” option, it became really fun really quickly. The game is an eye-gasm to say the least, it’s gorgeous to look at, not to mention the soundtrack that lives in my head rent-free. The voice acting is above and beyond. Needless to say, this game had a death-grip on me and I grew fonder and fonder of it the more I played it. Each character became very special to me. I know this is one of those ‘either you love it or you hate it’ kind of games to people but I can honestly say it’s one of my favorite games I’ve ever played.

my 27 year old brother still starts nervous-sweating every time he talks about the ghosts in this game

you have me, a 6 year old, preforming surgery?