I liked this one better than the first one. Definitely enhanced some gameplay aspects and I loved the new zombies they introduced.

Childhood nostalgia/trauma. fun stuff.

I had absolutely no patience for this game (I might go back to it someday). Do not expect skyrim out of this for the love of god stop

This game was every middle schoolers personality for about a month

I begged my parents for this and lived to regret my decision immediately

Is that Brittney Spears on the cover

You play as a disembodied hand that can literally pick up a grizzly bear, 4 stars

Literally couldn’t even figure out how to START playing this

Surprisingly good for a movie video game adaptation, combat was solid, mechanics were good, graphics were a solid “okay” but I didn’t set my expectations high.

On the DS this game was horseshit, literally unplayable

Howies fingers were an ungodly length, 1 star.

unironically a masterpiece, I can’t shitpost on this one


One time my mom asked me to put on Irish music on St Patrick’s day during our family gathering so I asked Alexa to play this games soundtrack and slowly started increasing the volume, I got 8 minutes into it before anyone noticed that it wasn’t Irish music.
Game is great.