Basically just played this so I could get Rosalina in Mario Kart.

I have anxiety I couldn't play this

The Chuckie Chan level traumatized me thanks

When I was 12 a runescape bf named "Arm0677" if you're out there, plz contact so I can properly break up with you
sincerely, Lucina302

I had an obvious crush on Casey Lynch and I still thought I was straight

I found it under my bed when I was 12 so I guess I had this.

My parents made me play this as a punishment

This was my first Nintendo DS game and my parents got it for me (I had never seen the movie). I remember when I first played this and I put the cartridge in and couldn't figure out how to get it out so I thought I had gotten it stuck so I told my mom that the case didn't have a game in it because I didn't want to tell her I broke my Nintendo DS and she took me to Walmart and told the guy that there was no game in the case and the guy was really confused and gave me another one (Probably because he didn't get paid enough for this BS and didn't really care) so I get home and I now have 2 copies of this game and I fucking hate this game.

I can't believe this game had lore.

Beating final boss Matt was the peak of my adolescence.