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So recently bought the hd collection+4SE after loving DMC5 and decided to give the rest of the franchise a shot. 1st things 1st: This game is more than 20 years old and is VERY dated which is shown through the gameplay and level design. Gameplay is fun but simole and the level designs for the most part were pretty good. From gameplay alone I would give it a 4/5. Story is surprisingly decent for what it was and i enjoyed it as someone who doesnt know much about DMC. The music in this game is pretty good, not nearly as good as DMC5 but certain themes like Griffon were great. Now for the bad of the game-the last 6 missions are actually just awfull. 17,18 and 20 have the nightmare boss who is just not a fun fight in the slightest and was agony learning his moveset. 21 has some of the worst enemies in the wall tendril fucks which might just be some of the worst enemies in gaming. And then theres the final boss Mundus, who is great lorewise but horrendous gameplay wise. I do not want to fly through space on a final bosa.

Overall game is pretty good but the quality takes a massive nosedive at the end. Definitely give it a try if you have played DMC 3,4 or 5.

So I went into this thinking it wont top Persona 5 royal. I am happy to say it did in almost every single aspect. This is a masterpiece of a game and a fantastic remake that kept me engaged for my entire 50 hour playthrough. The S.E.E.S group are some of my favorite charcaters in a game now especially Aigis as she is such a perfect charcater in my eyes. If you have ever wanted to play a JRPG or start the persona series, this is the perfect place to start and I can not reccomend it more. This is easily a GOTY contender and is probably going to end up being my personal GOTY.

Picked up on gamepass after being bored and wanting to try games out. Robot roguelike sounded interesting so I gave it a shot. This game feels like so many rougelikes in 1 massive game. It has a massive array of guns with different abilities like Dead Cells, it has the speed of combat like Hades and has a very nice overrall design. Also the speed that you can get while figjting is so much fun and kind of feels like Doom eternal in a way. Only issues I have is the rift is a bit ridiculous without the Ranger class and also Chapter 3 minibosses are EXTREMELY brutal.

I started this around a year ago and it somehow fell into my backlog for some reason. I am so happy that I came back to this though as this is easily a top 3 resident evil game and possibly the best REmake. It is so similar yet vastly different to the original and I love it. The new gameplay and area design make it feel so different to the original while the story still feels similar which makes for a great time. If I had to choose which is better between the otiginal and the REmake i would have to go the REmake as it feels so much more fun to play. Overall one of Capcoms best games they have ever made along side the original RE4, DMC5 and Dragons Dogma.


Fantastuc kung fu fihhting game that feels great to play and get better at. Very fun experience and worth the money. Only shame is the final boss which is a little bit overkill in the 2nd phase but thats really my only issues.

(100% completion)
This is the one of the greatest story games I have ever played. The story is fantastic which is helped by the massive collection of characters who are all unique is someway. The ganeplay is fun and satisfying due to how you can custimize your personas and also the baton pass system. Play this game, it is up there in th evreatest games of all time and I cannot reccomend it any more highly.

This is such a downgrade from dead island that I am dissapointed. Quests are either defend or fetch 90% of the time. Co-Op straight up doesnt work and the zombies will just not stagger at all through your attacks no matter ehat weapons you are using. Gets 2 stars because the weapons still feel satisfying to use but thats about it.

Fantastic sequel to Fallen Order and an overall great time. Story was good but could have been better but the gameplay was fantastic. The new lightsaber styles added so much and allowed for me to engage fights differently depending on which style I had equipped at the time. If you liked fallen order you will love this to pieces.

VERY different to bioshock 1 and 2 but still quite a fun time. Does start to drag and get repetitive towards the end though. Gameplay is fun and the story is engaging. Very good game overall.

This is the best soulslike in the market in my opinion. The gunplay feels fluid and fresh and the world feels alive and makes you intrigued about it. The random campaigns make it very replayable and allow fore future playthroughs.

Genuinely my favorite game of all time. Is a masterpiece that will have you coming back for more like speedruns, the pantheons and trying to beat areas such as the path of pain. If you havent played the game before I beg of you to at least try it.