73 Reviews liked by TeaFan556

If Rayman Raving Rabbids has a million fans, I am one of them
If Rayman Raving Rabbids has 5 fans, I am one of them
If Rayman Raving Rabbids has 1 fans, that one is me
If Rayman Raving Rabbids has no fans, I'm no longer alive
If the world is against Rayman Raving Rabbids I'm against the whole world
Till my last breath, I'll support Rayman Raving Rabbids

graphics are beautiful and the minigames are good but my god the gameplay was so boring. a chore to finish



It's fine. If you're a fan of the movies (which I am), this is as good of a video game adaptation as you could ask for, really. The trap sequences are pretty memorable with puzzles that aren't completely copy-pasted, and the environments and sound design are pretty well done. The combat sucks but you can skip most of it by just stunlocking enemies with your fists, anyways. It's not as bad as people make it out to be, but it's also nothing incredible, either (unlike the movies).

LISTEN. MEMES ASIDE, THIS GAME ACTUALLY KINDA SLAPS, OKAY? Alright well I mean, "slaps" might be an overstatement but it's fun! The core combat is enjoyable in a "party fighting game" kinda way, there's a decent amount of single player content with a lotta fun, interesting challenges, and there's a map where you fight on a giant birthday cake being carried by the giant gingerbread man from Shrek 2. Wtf else do you want

One of the best Wii games not by Nintendo and it's deserving of a sequel. Amazing swordplay still holds up imo combos, guns it's great. Loved the art style too sort of borderlands cel-shaded.

Very fun even if the combat gets a little repetitive. Played solo but can imagine even better co-op. Felt a bit dirty using the Mordenkainen Sword spell, but there's room for replayability here so I don't feel too guilty!

It’s pretty amazing that even after making a game that did a really job adapting the source material along with having most of the voice cast come back to reprise their roles, you somehow made a game that feels like it has nothing to do with Adventure Time outside of having the characters and some references.

So here’s the thing. I was gonna go off on this game for its lackluster job of adapting the show’s style of humor, it’s repetitive dungeon crawling gameplay that gets old after a few floors, and its super grindy progression system. But my PS3 froze up and when I turned it back on my save file got corrupted and I lost 3 hours of monotonous gameplay, meaning I’d have to start allllllllllllllllllllll over again. I said fuck that and turned the game off.

I wanted to be nice to this game since the last time I played it was when it first came out, but no 13 year old STRM was right this is still as bad as I remembered

Ambitious but about halfway through I didn't connect enough with the the squad switch mechanic to continue. It increasingly felt less strategic in practice and more "oh shit who am I now, I gotta revive half my squad!" The encounters are just too frenetic and corridor-like to react with any sensibility. In addition to your AI-squad's preference to yolo, I didn't feel any sense of control of any of the pieces at my disposal. But I must give this game props for being so weird and ballsy, and it would not work at all without the Clive Barker veneer that keeps you engaged.

lets tap bro lets FUCKING tap bro lets TAP bro lets fucking tap lets tap. good game



Pure cheesy bullshit bliss. Runs like shit, plays like shit, barely fun, worth a play

Going into this game I thought it would be something like dynasty warriors but with monsters which is a really cool concept. Sadly there are a lot of factors that prevent this game from living up to its cool concept. For starters, some enemies in the early stages take way too many hits before they go down which leads to extremely tedious scenarios where I continually comboed an enemy for what felt like minutes. This problem is remedied later when you upgrade but it took me about halfway into the game when it became more manageable.

Another problem came in the form of the game's main concept of using "Legions"(big monsters) to help you fight enemies. Each stage lets you select two Legions to equip the problem is you don't know which Legion will be most useful so you end up forcing your way through a level that you know would have been a lot easier if you stuck with a certain build. This is what I ended up doing for the rest of the game, sticking with two legions and not touching the others, which proved to be pretty effective.

One of the last problems is the game balancing which seems to be all over the place. One level will be relatively easy while the next will have you being bombarded by enemies that juggle you into a corner until you are dead. Some of the bosses I also find incredibly annoying and tedious but this is also improved on a little towards the end.

I don't think this is a horrible game by any means but I was hoping for a little more. It does get better as you upgrade your legions and become a force of nature against tons of enemies but it takes a little bit until you get to that point. I feel the biggest complaint I have is its spongey enemies. Besides that this game is relatively inoffensive. I will commend this game for actually having a fun final boss. A lot of games around this time usually have stinker endings but this one was pretty fun.

Very cute game that uniquely takes the first-person shooting genre and makes it entirely non-violent! Very, very short in story - but has fun multiplayer aspects that keeps you from tiring from it too quickly. Controls to spin can get a bit nauseating though, so watch out.

It's absolutely hilarious using the Wii Zapper for this thing, too.


Really, me and my SO dropped this several months back, but that's neither here nor there. Just reminded to talk about my thoughts on this, Uhm,

I appreciate the spirit of this moreso than the end nature of it. My partner and I had a blast playing it, and the whole Honey I Shrunk the Kids aesthetic is perfect. I loved all the little minigames, the cutesy charm, all the cooperative puzzles. It's a return to this form of gameplay style from what feels like very yesteryear. If any lesson is learned from this game's acclaim, it's that there should absolutely be more of this.

I just wish the end result here was something I could champion. We ended up dropping it largely from its surrounding noxious energy. The main conceit of this couple being entrapped together fantastically to just reignite their fire for, largely implied, the kids' sake, just made us lose all of the vibes at once. Every attempt to reopen the game was spent on trying to ignore that, but it didn't really go very far. We got about a couple hours in before it became too much to tolerate, especially since the absolutely brutal incompatibilities regarding one of the two just reminded one of us of our ex. It feels like a useless story to me? It's definitely not coming from a bad state of mind, and like, it's genuine, it's earnest! But it feels almost shaming to partners who aren't working out together. All for more people going to couples therapy to see if their issues truly aren't fixable but I don't like this general idea at all, it's so "makes up a couple". Couldn't help but doctor out a story in my head that starts with this same idea but ends up taking it in a direction that commentates that maybe at the end of it some things aren't fixable and requires splitting, a far more realistic notion to takeaway that finishes off with a note that has them separating after all, with a bittersweet understanding of what they've learned from their incompatibility, rather than some, to be blunt, sickening notion of THINK OF THE KID!! GOTTA FORCE YOUR TOTAL SPARK OF LOVE (that for most people in this situation, won't be there anymore) BY MAKING UP COOP STYLE.

Honestly it's worse than the writing. We laughed together at a couple jokes, my partner found the two much much more obnoxious from sentence to sentence than me, but I'm used to it. The smarmy totally shouty couple vibe isn't like a complete mismatch for what everything here is going for. That's the most charitable I'll get with it though haha.

I'll say it takes two is good when we get the much more ambitious polycule sequel it takes three.