7 reviews liked by TessaTara

zack fair suffered more than jesus christ

are you using your time to properly think and talk with art? are you listening? or do you plug your ears anytime it tries to talk with you, to challenge you and make you rethink what you're engaging with?

i don't think i have any common ground with most people who like videogames, actually. but i don't think this is just videogames anymore, this is endemic in all of the arts. people stopped being listeners, started being consumers. no long a plot twist will make your heart skip a beat, now it's the author "betraying" your trust. no longer can complicated concept be presented before your public, now you're "fumbling", "overdesigning" or whatever new word people will invent to use as analytical shortcuts. like, really, you spent 90h with this game and all you could get back from it was that it has "Ubisoft-like" design because it has towers? i don't care if you gave the game 4 or 5 stars or if that was a compliment, is it that hard to think more about it? am i setting the bar too high? probably.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is not a product, it's an art piece which you converse with (that's honestly 99.9% of games too btw). hefty admission price for sure, but it does not need to cater to you at any moment. it needs to be heard, seen, felt, I think running around the grasslands felt incredible and vibrant, i love how every map changes its whole design based on the chocobos, i love how sidequests have their own little songs to them with battle music included, i love how every character gets explored a whole ton more because now they have the time to do so, I love how Tifa can be herself instead of Cloud's past, I liked every change, I think this game is probably one of the most courageous games ever made and that will ever be made and people won't appreciate it enough, but that's fine because I will.

the more i think about it, the more i think about its last hours, the more i think how they handled -that moment- the more I like it. I like this and Remake for entirely different reasons, but Rebirth made me feel things I don't think i was even aware I could feel playing a game and I don't mean crying i cry for everything and i cried super hard at several moments in this game, it's something else, which i would only dare to explain if I had spoilered this text but i don't want to do so.

like i said i think i finally realized my lack of common ground is what makes it really hard to talk about videogames outside of my circle, people who only wear "videogames are art!!" as a mantle for feeling validated, but not really treating them much differently than the hamburger they'll buy for lunch. i don't mind if you didn't like the game but i only ask for something of substance, an interesting read, at the very least a personal perspective, not internet gaming buzzwords i can see in like 60 other reviews. i just want to think and challenge myself and i feel like i'm always going into a hivemind. but i guess that's fine i get to cherish good things when i see them at least.

i just need to remind myself of this

Theres this random ass bridge in ishgard I noticed that really sucks. Its between the airship landing and the main artery in the middle of the pillars. If you look at it for too long it is a stupid bridge. Its made of two arches, and instead of there being a support pillar being between the arches, there's two supports placed in the middle of the arches?? and between the arches is a massive pillar for holding a lantern, putting the most stress on the least structurally stable part of the bridge. Absolutely braindead structure, I dont know how ishgard stood for this long. But then when you go over the bridge its looks really good and honestly the way the support beams look is pretty cool. The vista going over it is outstanding.
I could turn this into a metaphor for heavensward itself but honestly its about the bridge. Have you seen it? its really funny



The best parts of the rougelike design taken to the extreme, knowledge is power especially when the best gameplay mechanic in a game is coding magic



kill shmeglin for 1 doubloon. Good physics.

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Once again, I tried going through NieR: Automata, and stopped during the second playthrough.

I did my reading though and checked what all the fuss was about pertaining to the ending and am ready to say it : this game is dumb as hell.

Granted that ending twist is pretty neat, but the way the flow of the game goes, how mindless the combat is, how grating all the running around and fetch-questing is... It's such a snobbish waste of time ! It feels like the game is saying something deep and meaningful when it's really not. It just steals a bunch of well know philosophical tropes, quotes them and expects you to be mind-blown.

It has a couple of redeeming qualities. I like the visual style and the music (probably the best thing here). But the core gameplay and narrative design had me boiling with impatience.

Playing through your whole flat-ass game THREE TIMES ??? No thanks.

It was pretty good, but I really have no desire to ever return to it. I think it's more "interesting" than it is "fun". Also, I'm not particularly prude, but it was a little uncomfy playing as 2B