It's interesting how I ended up playing this as a weird puzzlegame, where you're trying to find the right sequence of actions to clear levels. But the game is definitely carried by its sense of style more than the actual quality of its gameplay a good portion of the time.


Killer soundtrack, voice acting, character designs, and core gameplay loop.


I liked the game, and I think the way it handles failure is great. My main complaint is that it felt like a game that if I ever put it down, I was in danger of never being able to pick it back up. Which was what happened, tragically.

I think Bastion hasn't aged poorly, but it also hasn't aged gracefully. But man, the story and voice acting and gameplay absolutely killed it back in the day.

What a sick game. Just a really excellent execution of a simple concept.

I probably should finish this one day. But I kinda doubt I ever will.

Another game that I wonder why I put as much time into it as I did, given how bad I was at it.
I like how the gameplay and flavor intersect re:time travel?

Seeing the credits song for the first time as a teenager was such a pleasant experience.

I stopped playing this after a while, but I mostly enjoyed the time I spent with it. Definitely a good game in terms of making you think about different ways to creatively solve puzzles that make no sense at first glance.

I love the movement and combat in this game.

I think the bruteforce-ability of this game is both a blessing and a curse. It takes away a lot of the feelings of accomplishment that you'd otherwise get, but also the game is clearly balanced around it, so I dunno.

Somewhat derivative? Perhaps. Incredibly fun? Yes.
Vault of the Void is very good at letting players achieve power fantasies in a way that few other roguelikes have been in my experience.

This game is like objectively a good one, and one that totally redefined the landscape of the genre, and I also viscerally hate it. I've probably played close to 100 hours, and I'm still bad at it.

Lowkey maybe my favorite roguelike. Certainly my favorite 'classical' roguelike.